This is a gulp preprocessor for the less compilation. It provides a directive @json-import to import variables defined in a json file.
It inject the Less formated data in place of the directive in the file buffer without writing it on disk.
In less
@json-import "../relative/path.json";
@json-import "../relative/path/extOmit";
In gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
var less = require('gulp-less');
var lessJsonImport = require('gulp-less-json-import');
gulp.src(['./less/**/*.less', '!./less/**/_*.less'])
nameFormatter: function(varPath, jsonPath) { // Optional
var filename = path.parse(jsonPath).name;
if (filename === 'colors') varPath[0] = 'color' + varPath[0];
if (filename === 'icons') varPath[0] = 'icon' + varPath[0];
return varPath;
You can passe an option object to the lessJsonImport function.
{Function} nameFormatter
Override the variable name formatter. Take the path of the variable asString[]
and the path of the json file asString
. It may return the variable name asString
. By default the formatter dovarPath.join('-')
"color1": "#ff0000",
"color2": "#00ff00",
"font": "Helvetica",
"border": {
"type": "solid",
"size": "1px",
"color": "grey"
@json-import "data.json";
color: @color1;
background: @color2;
font-family: @font;
border: @border-type @border-size @border-color
generated style.css
body {
color: #ff0000;
background: #00ff00;
font-family: Helvetica;
table td {
border: solid 1px grey;