CamPi is a WiFi camera controller that uses a Raspberry Pi.
CamPi can be ran on pretty minimal hardware. For my project I am using a Pi Zero W 2 with a SugarPi power hat.
USB OTG cable that fits your camera and the USB port on the Pi
From Image:
Flash the latest CamPi img file to the SD card used for your Raspberry Pi - the image can be downloaded at
From Scratch:
If you'd like to build it from scratch on your own, here are the components I used.
I started with a base Raspbian build. Installed a captive WiFi portal using this guide,
I then installed Node-Red with Node-Red Dashboard using this guide,
I installed gPhoto2 to control the camera following this guide,
Finally I created a custom Node-RED stream and Dashboard to control the camera that I will share to the Github Repo.
When you power on the Pi, after a few seconds you should see a new Wireless Network. Connect to that wireless network with your mobile device and it should open the camera controller. If not, navigate to from your browser while connected to the CamPi wireless network.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.