Lists (4)
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CMDB: configuration and management of IT resources
Powerful yet simple solution for network tunneling and port forwarding with access control all using 1-URL command.
Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup.
A web GUI client of Project V which supports VMess, VLESS, SS, SSR, Trojan, Tuic and Juicity protocols. 🚀
docker-compose for testing any-sync
For Pull Request
基于「Docker」/「青龙面板」/「群晖」的每日签到脚本(支持多账号)签到列表: |爱奇艺|全民K歌|有道云笔记|百度贴吧|Bilibili|V2EX|AcFun|什么值得买|阿里云盘|i茅台申购|小米运动|百度搜索资源平台|恩山论坛|奥拉星|
Deploy your own Notion-powered website in minutes with Next.js and Vercel.
Notion Reverse Proxy for better speed in China Mainland
⛅️ 精选的 Cloudflare 工具、开源项目、指南、博客和其他资源列表。/ ⛅️ A curated list of Cloudflare tools, open source projects, guides, blogs and other resources.
Advanced Subscription Manager for QX, Loon, Surge, Stash, Egern and Shadowrocket!
Insular email distribution - mail server as Docker images
Nezha server over Argo tunnel 使用 Argo 隧道的哪吒服务端
TaoRone / ChatGPT-Next-Web
Forked from ChatGPTNextWeb/NextChatOne-Click to deploy well-designed ChatGPT web UI on Vercel. 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT 网页服务。