This is a movie recommendation app based on TMDB's Api. It enables the user to discover movies and shows easily
Designers: Irvan Wibowo Figma community
- console.log >>>
- Browser Storage
- Using Javascript to render html
- Reuseable css classes (saved me from having to write so much css)
- Patience(I didn't yell at my laptop this time) 😭
- REST Apis
To install: -Download or clone the repo
git clone
- Build static website first
- Fetch from Api
- Handle Api data
- Make website dynamic
- Responsive and sexy css
- Accessibility
Suggestions and improvements would mean a lot to me, feel free to pull the repo and make it even better.
- swiper.js is not comfortable with using css to specify it's width, it prefers the breakpoints specified in the js file
- The more I query the API the better I can account for unexpected errors and edge cases.
This was built using a Mobile/Vibes First approach 😂 .