QConsole is a high-level C++17 REPL library for Qt6 console applications with support for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. It features syntax-highlighting, history, unicode, default commands (help, version, exit, etc...), native keybindings, hints, password input, auto-complete, and colorization.
Here is a simple demonstration:
QConsole console;
console.setDefaultPrompt(QConsole::colorize(">> ", QConsole::Color::Red, QConsole::Style::Bold));
"Print 'Hello, world!' and the arguments given to the command.",
[&](const QConsole::Context& ctx) {
console.ostream() << "Hello, World! Args: " << ctx.arguments << Qt::endl;
See the simple example for the above and the complex example for a more involved application. There is also the widget-example demonstrating the usage of a QConsole
alongside a QGuiApplication
or QApplication
Do not use asynchronous code to output messages with this library. Instead, wrap your signals with QEventLoop
(like in the complex example) or use QFuture
to make your asynchronous methods or functions synchronous.
The following libraries should be found on your system:
The following libraries will be automatically downloaded by CMake:
You can install this library by running the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/le0d4v1nc1/qconsole
cd qconsole
cmake -S . -B build --target install --config Release
Or to include it in your own CMake project:
fetchcontent_declare(qconsole GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/le0d4v1nc1/qconsole/ GIT_TAG 2.0.3)
This project accepts pull-requests, bug-reports, and/or feature-requests; see CONTRIBUTING.
This project is available under the MIT license.