验证码识别 - 该项目是基于 CNN5/DenseNet+BLSTM/LSTM+CTC 来实现验证码识别. 该项目仅用于训练,如果需要部署模型请移步:
https://github.com/kerlomz/captcha_platform (通用WEB服务,HTTP请求调用)
https://github.com/kerlomz/captcha_library_c (动态链接库,DLL调用,基于TensoFlow C++)
https://github.com/kerlomz/captcha_demo_csharp (C#源码调用,基于TensorFlowSharp)
,其他无需改动。 -
No valid path found 问题解决:
的参数,自行调整为合适的值,总结了百来个验证码训练经验,可以尝试这个较为通用的值:Resize: [150, 50]
(自动生成配置文件、打包样本、训练一体化),填写训练集路径执行。 -
切记,ModelName 是绑定一个模型的唯一标志,如果修改了训练参数如:ImageWidth,ImageHeight,Resize,CharSet,CNNNetwork,RecurrentNetwork,HiddenNum 这类影响计算图的参数,需要删除model路径下的旧文件,重新训练,或者使用新的ModelName 重新训练,否则默认作为断点续练。
如果你准备使用GPU训练,请先安装CUDA和cuDNN,可以了解下官方测试过的编译版本对应: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_sources#tested_source_configurations Github上可以下载到第三方编译好的TensorFlow的WHL安装包:
cuDNN下载地址:https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/form/cudnn-download-survey (需要注册账号)
笔者使用的版本为:CUDA10+cuDNN7.3.1+TensorFlow 1.12
安装Python 3.6 环境(包含pip)
安装虚拟环境 virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv # venv is the name of the virtual environment. cd venv/ # venv is the name of the virtual environment. source bin/activate # to activate the current virtual environment. cd captcha_trainer # captcha_trainer is the project path.
pip install -r requirements.txt
TrainRegex 和 TestRegex,正则匹配,请各位采集样本的时候,尽量和我给的示例保持一致吧,正则问题请谷歌,如果是为1111.jpg这种命名的话,这里提供了一个批量转换的代码:
import re import os import hashlib # 训练集路径 root = r"D:\TrainSet\***" all_files = os.listdir(root) for file in all_files: old_path = os.path.join(root, file) # 已被修改过忽略 if len(file.split(".")[0]) > 32: continue # 采用标注_文件md5码.图片后缀 进行命名 with open(old_path, "rb") as f: _id = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() new_path = os.path.join(root, file.replace(".", "_{}.".format(_id))) # 重复标签的时候会出现形如:abcd (1).jpg 这种形式的文件名 new_path = re.sub(" \(\d+\)", "", new_path) print(new_path) os.rename(old_path, new_path)
config.yaml - System Config
# - requirement.txt - GPU: tensorflow-gpu, CPU: tensorflow # - If you use the GPU version, you need to install some additional applications. # TrainRegex and TestRegex: Default matching apple_20181010121212.jpg file. # - The Default is .*?(?=_.*\.) # TrainsPath and TestPath: The local absolute path of your training and testing set. # TestSetNum: This is an optional parameter that is used when you want to extract some of the test set # - from the training set when you are not preparing the test set separately. System: DeviceUsage: 0.5 TrainRegex: '.*?(?=_)' TestRegex: '.*?(?=_)' TestSetNum: 300 # CNNNetwork: [CNN5, DenseNet] # RecurrentNetwork: [BLSTM, LSTM] # - The recommended configuration is CNN5+BLSTM / DenseNet+BLSTM # HiddenNum: [64, 128, 256] # - This parameter indicates the number of nodes used to remember and store past states. NeuralNet: CNNNetwork: CNN5 RecurrentNetwork: BLSTM HiddenNum: 64 KeepProb: 0.99 # SavedEpochs: A Session.run() execution is called a Epochs, # - Used to save traininsed to calculate accuracy, Default value is 100. # TestNum: The number of samples for each test batch. # - A test for every saved steps. # CompileAcc: When the accuracy reaches the set threshold, # - the model will be compiled together each time it is archived. # - Available for specific usage scenarios. # EndAcc: Finish the training when the accuracy reaches [EndAcc*100]%. # EndEpochs: Finish the training when the epoch is greater than the defined epoch. # PreprocessCollapseRepe ated: If True, then a preprocessing step runs # - before loss calculation, wherein repeated labels passed to the loss # - are merged into single labels. This is useful if the training labels come # - from, e.g., forced alignments and therefore have unnecessary repetitions. # CTCMergeRepeated: If False, then deep within the CTC calculation, # - repeated non-blank labels will not be merged and are interpreted # - as individual labels. This is a simplified (non-standard) version of CTC. Trains: SavedSteps: 100 ValidationSteps: 500 EndAcc: 0.98 EndEpochs: 1 BatchSize: 64 TestBatchSize: 300 LearningRate: 0.01 DecayRate: 0.98 DecaySteps: 100000 PreprocessCollapseRepeated: False CTCMergeRepeated: True
There are several common examples of TrainRegex: i. apple_20181010121212.jpg
ii apple.png
model.yaml - Model Config
# Sites: A bindable parameter used to select a model. # - If this parameter is defined, # - it can be identified by using the model_site parameter # - to identify a model that is inconsistent with the actual size of the current model. # ModelName: Corresponding to the model file in the model directory, # - such as YourModelName.pb, fill in YourModelName here. # ModelType: This parameter is also used to locate the model. # - The difference from the sites is that if there is no corresponding site, # - the size will be used to assign the model. # - If a model of the corresponding size and corresponding to the ModelType is not found, # - the model belonging to the category is preferentially selected. # CharSet: Provides a default optional built-in solution: # - [ALPHANUMERIC, ALPHANUMERIC_LOWER, ALPHANUMERIC_UPPER, # -- NUMERIC, ALPHABET_LOWER, ALPHABET_UPPER, ALPHABET] # - Or you can use your own customized character set like: ['a', '1', '2']. # CharExclude: CharExclude should be a list, like: ['a', '1', '2'] # - which is convenient for users to freely combine character sets. # - If you don't want to manually define the character set manually, # - you can choose a built-in character set # - and set the characters to be excluded by CharExclude parameter. Model: Sites: [] ModelName: YourModelName ModelType: 150x50 CharSet: ALPHANUMERIC_LOWER CharExclude: [] CharReplace: {} ImageWidth: 150 ImageHeight: 50 # Binaryzation: [-1: Off, >0 and < 255: On]. # Smoothing: [-1: Off, >0: On]. # Blur: [-1: Off, >0: On]. Pretreatment: Binaryzation: -1 Smoothing: -1 Blur: -1 Resize: [150, 50]
python -m tools.preview
新手指南 (只支持字符集推荐,我觉得是个鸡肋各位请忽略)
python -m tools.navigator
PyInstaller 一键打包(训练的话支持不好,部署的打包效果不错)
pip install pyinstaller python -m tools.package
- 命令行或终端运行:
python trains.py
- 使用 PyCharm 运行,右键 Run