The new Readme created with
👋 Hi, I’m @Swissbandit 👀 I'm a full self thinking thinkerer...
👩💻 I'm currently working on... Leveling up my Skills
🧠 I'm currently learning... Markdown, Markdeep, Javascript, Typescrypt
👯♀️ I'm looking to collaborate on... Qapps like Qgit QFDGK
🤔 I'm looking for help with... creating websites and apps
💬 Ask me about... rns qortal publii mobirise hugo
📫 How to reach me... Qortal: Swisslibertarian
😄 Pronouns... I told you so
⚡️ Fun fact... Welcome to the Mileinium!!!
- MD editor
- Concise, consistent, and legible badges
Markdown, Micron, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Typescript Reticulum, Qortal,
What did you learn while building this project? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
I have to take it step by step and keep learning
Additional Skills building
Add more complexity
First im going to do how to texts and translations Here we may one day find my stuff too