This repo has Magnolia Parent Pom and Webapp Pom with necessary jackrabbit and magnolia properties configuration files needed to deploy Magnolia on to any cloud provider either as a Docker container or Virtual instances in a clustered fashion.
For cloud architecture refer magnolia-v4.pdf
Additionaly, a custom magnolia module has been created and can be used to build any custom module other than what Magnolia provides Out-of-the box
Also, same repo can be used to bring up development environments using Docker-Compose and/or Vagrant(recommended). Currently the development environment is supported only for Mac OS 10+ and Linux
Offical Docker image is available at this location:
Things to download for development environment
1. Install JDK 8 and add Path variable -
2. Install Maven and add Path variable - Example:
3. Find or Create .m2 folder under your /Users/<UserName>/ and copy the settings.xml from repo to this location
4. Install Docker for Mac on Mac OS
5. Install Vagrant
Steps to bring up development environment
1. Please Install all the above before you start following the below steps
Steps for bring up magnolia initially
1. Clone the repo
2. cd magnolia-cloud
3. mvn -U clean install
4. vagrant up --no-parallel (or) docker-compose up -d --build
Steps to boot magnolia
1. vagrant up --no-parallel (Run this command on terminal inside the magnolia-cloud folder)
Steps to stop magnolia
1. vagrant halt (Run this command on terminal inside the magnolia-cloud folder)