Title: Brief Introduction of Software Sudoku Explainer
Title: Brief Intro
这是一款以 Java 编写的数独分析和测试软件,官网为http://diuf.unifr.ch/pai/people/juillera/Sudoku/Sudoku.html (不过现在已经打不开了……)。
This is a Sudoku analysis and test software written by Java programming language, whose website is http://diuf.unifr.ch/pai/people/juillera/Sudoku/Sudoku.html (However the website has shut down).
And generator
And techinques selector
注意:欠一数对(Almost Locked Pair)、欠一三数组(Almost Locked Triple)、唯一矩形的扩展(Unique Rectangle Extension)目前还在开发阶段当中。
Note: Technique Almost Locked Pair, Almost Locked Triple and Unique Rectangle Extension are under construction.
And... analysis information
Title: What's Updated
这里陈列为 Sudoku Explainer 软件添加和修改的一些功能,由于 Sudoku Explainer 软件使用了 LGPL 协议,所以所有更新修改的内容都将会公开其中的源代码。
Here displays updates and new functions in Sudoku Explainer. All project codes will be uploaded because of using LGPL protocol.
Title: Intro of directories
: Older or obsolete files. -
:使用的一些其它 SE 变体轻应用的文件。@Ref
: Files of Variant SE applets.
Title: What's New
新增 W-Wing、双强链技巧(Turbot Fishes)、WXYZ-Wing、VWXYZ-Wing 和 XYZ-Wing、WXYZ-Wing 的拓展构型;
Add W-Wing, Two-Strong-Link Techniques (Turbot Fish (Normal Type), 2-String Kite & Skyscraper), XYZ-Wing Extension, WXYZ-Wing, WXYZ-Wing Extension, VWXYZ-Wing.
规定 W-Wing 技巧的难度系数为 4.4、XYZ-Wing 拓展构型的难度系数为 4.5、WXYZ-Wing 的难度系数为 4.6、WXYZ-Wing 拓展构型的难度系数为 4.8,VWXYZ-Wing 的难度系数为 5.0,摩天楼为 4.0、双线风筝为4.1、多宝鱼为 4.2;
Define difficulty ratings of W-Wing, XYZ-Wing Extension, WXYZ-Wing, WXYZ-Wing Extension, VWXYZ-Wing, Skyscrapers, 2-String Kite, Turbot Fish are 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.
Add displaying difficulty level for a puzzle.
Can tell givens and modifiable values, in order to use technique Avoidable Rectangle which will be added in the program in the future.
Add undo button (but this function is not implemented by me).
Title: What's modified
More difficulty levels when generating.
More details displaying when analyzing.
盘面显示字体改为 Arial(原字体为 Verdana),并修正对齐不足的漏洞;
Modify the font of legend and value from Verdana to Arial, and fixed the bug of alignment.
优化了一些代码的规范,例如部分使用的匿名内部类修改为 Lambda 表达式格式,例如 Hint 类型的难度系数的排序操作。
Optimize some syntaxes of code, for example, using Lambda expression to replace anonymous inner class to sort difficulty ratings in Hint class.
Title: What's removed
Because of undo button, Quit-The-App button is removed.
Title: IDE Using
IntelliJ IDEA 社区版 2019.02 版本
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.02 Community
Title: Language Using
Programming language using: Java
Language of contents using: English
Title: Version
1.2.11(尚未修复 BUG 和 UL 技巧数组找不全的 bug……)
But I am too silly to fix the bug when finding BUG/UL with subset...
Title: Author