This repository contains a collection of PDFs representing my work, experiments, reports, assignments and projects across various subjects in Computer Science and Engineering. Each document showcases different aspects of my academic journey, with specializations in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Blockchain, and more.
- AI for Financial & Banking Application (PDF)
- Advanced Artificial Intelligence (PDF)
- Artificial Intelligence (PDF)
- Machine Learning (PDF)
- Deep Learning (PDF)
- Natural Language Processing (PDF)
- Big Data Analytics (PDF)
- Data Analytics and Visualization (PDF)
- Data Warehousing and Mining (PDF)
- Social Media Analytics (PDF)
- C Programming (PDF)
- Object Oriented Programming with JAVA (PDF)
- Python Programming (PDF).
- Software Engineering & Project Management (PDF)
- Cryptography and System Security (PDF)
- Operating System (PDF)
- Cloud Computing (PDF)
- Blockchain Technologies (PDF)
- Analysis of Algorithms (PDF)
- Data Structures (PDF)
- Database Management System (PDF)
- Digital Logic & Computer Architecture (PDF)
- Microprocessor (PDF)
Each subject area contains the core PDF documents related to experiments, reports, or assignments. The documents can be referenced for educational purposes, and they provide insights into the practical aspects of each field of study.
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Explore and learn from my academic journey across various domains of Computer Science and Engineering!