This is an extension package for Authentication System. Steam exposes multiple methods for authenticating a Steam user's identity and verifying ownership of an application. This system will provide validation for the steam and verify the identity and ownership of the following product.
You can also use the "Install from Git URL" option from Unity Package Manager to install the package.
- open Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
- add a new Scoped Registry (or edit the existing OpenUPM entry)
Scope(s) com.cysharp.unitask
- click Save or Apply
- open Window/Package Manager
- click +
- select Add package by name... or Add package from git URL...
- paste com.studio23.ss2.authsystem into name
- click Add
Fromt top toolbar Studio-23>AuthSystem>Install
This is a base package where it shares dependency to the other authentication packages. Download the required package you need for the publishing such as steam or xbox.