A MariaDB Encryption Key Management Plugin for Tang server
The beauty of this schema is that neither the MariaDB server, or the Tang server know the secret key encryption key. It takes both to derive it & that key is never actually on the wire.
The initial goal of this project is to make a secure network key management replacement for the file_key_management_plugin for MariaDB. This will have the same capabilities as the that plugin but instead of storing the key in a simple on disk, it will use the clevis / tang key management system.
The first iteration will not include automated key rotation for MariaDB. However, rotation of the key signing key is possible by using the backup registration program to re-register the server after a new tang key has been generated.
The first iteration should work with a primary & backup server as shown below. (May look at more slots later.)
This should be a drop in replacement for the file_key_management_plugin in MariaDB.
Configuration would simply be creating the key:
maria-register-tang <server> <filename1>
maria-register-backup-tang <server> <filename1> <filename2>
- server would be something like tang1.example.com:6789
- filenameN would tyipcally be /var/lib/mysql/maria-tangN.jwe
The registration program, maria-register-tang, will create & encrypt a master key that will encrypted with the key encrypting key derived by clevis/tang.
The backup registration program, maria-register-backup-tang, will decrypt the master key then re-encrypt it with a second key-encrypting key derived by clevis/tang.
tang_key_management_filename_1 <filename1>
tang_key_management_filename_2 <filename2>
tang_key_management_encryption_algorithm aes_ctr