You can also see Java, Python, Cython, Swift, Js, C++, or C# repository.
To check if you have compatible C Compiler installed,
- Open CLion IDE
- Preferences >Build,Execution,Deployment > Toolchain
Install the latest version of Git.
In order to work on code, create a fork from GitHub page. Use Git for cloning the code to your local or below line for Ubuntu:
git clone <your-fork-git-link>
A directory called DataStructure will be created. Or you can use below link for exploring the code:
git clone
To import projects from Git with version control:
Open CLion IDE , select Get From Version Control.
In the Import window, click URL tab and paste github URL.
Click open as Project.
Result: The imported project is listed in the Project Explorer view and files are loaded.
From IDE
After being done with the downloading and opening project, select Build Project option from Build menu. After compilation process, user can run CorpusTest.cpp.
To store a corpus in memory
Corpus_ptr a = create_corpus("derlem.txt");
If this corpus is split with dots but not in sentences
Corpus(String fileName, SentenceSplitter sentenceSplitter)
To eliminate the non-Turkish sentences from the corpus
Corpus_ptr create_corpus3(const char *file_name, bool (*is_valid_word)(const char*))
The number of sentences in the corpus
int corpus_sentence_count(const Corpus* corpus)
To get ith sentence in the corpus
Sentence_ptr corpus_get_sentence(const Corpus* corpus, int index)
TurkishSplitter class is used to split the text into sentences in accordance with the . rules of Turkish.
Array_list_ptr sentence_split_turkish(const char* line)