- First point release with binary packages;
- Fix log message displaying wrong sleep duration when using timescaling;
- remove
value is now used for that, as the two params were always meant to be used together; - Go 1.15.6;
- Subcommand for generating example configuration file;
- Organize configuration dictionary per subcommand. CLI flags remain as before, but those options are now registered with subkey prefix. Thus are better organized, as each subcommand only uses a subset of available options. Should make config file more easy to understand;
- Gitlab CI build jobs for Debian Buster and Ubuntu 20.04;
Debian / Ubuntu LTS
Ensure that libpcap is installed!
gunzip gopherCap-<os>-<version>.gz
chmod u+x gopherCap-<os>-<version>
mv gopherCap-<os>-<version> gopherCap
./gopherCap --help
Generate example configuration file.
./gopherCap --config example.yml exampleConfig