I am a self-taught web developer specialising in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional web applications, and everything in between.I play around with Javascript, creating web interfaces with accessibility in mind , prioritising UX .
🔭 I’m currently working on my own Web3 projects
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on more Web3 projects
🌱 I’m currently learning Solidity in depth
💬 Ask me about Frontend, Web3 and more Tech
⚡ Fun fact : My other interests include Personal Finance, Business and Psychology
Solidity Smackdown: Can You Answer These 7 Tricky Interview Questions? : Blog-Post-1
Understanding the difference between transfer ,send and call in solidity: Blog-Post-2
Reentrancy attacks and how to deal with them : Blog-Post-3
The Top 3 Tech Advancements That Will Skyrocket Web3 Growth in the Next 3 Years :Blog-Post-4
A Comprehensive Guide to the CREATE2 Opcode in Solidity: Blog-Post-5