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Design and Specification
-- Version 1.0
Given a Pcap File, plot a network diagram displaying hosts in the network, network traffic, highlight important traffic and Tor traffic as well as potential malicious traffic including data involved in the communication.
- Investigation of a Pcap file takes a long time given initial glitch to start the investigation
- Faced by every forensics investigator and anyone who is analyzing the network
- Speed up the investigation process
- Make a network diagram with the following features from a Pcap file
- Network Diagram – Summary Network Diagram of full network
- Information:
- Traffic with Server Details
- Tor Traffic
- Possible Malicious traffic
- Data Obtained from Packet in Report – Device/Traffic/Payloads
- Device Details
- Network Diagram
- Device/Traffic Details and Analysis
- Malicious Traffic Identification
- Tor Traffic
- GUI – a gui with options to upload pcap file and display the network diagram
Optional but Useful
- Files Exchanged
- Server Details in traffic
Module1 – main.py - Main (Driver)
- Main program driver -> Drives the whole Application by spawning a TK widget interface
Module2 – userInterface.py – GUI
- Used Tk and Ttk Widget for the Graphical User Interface
- Designed a UI with three frames,
- First frame, accepting input file from the user and Button action, an added gimmick of progress bar showing progressing scenario
- Second frame, providing options to select from a list to display different graphs in the third frame
- Third frame initially contains a label displaying the tool information
- Based on the option setting at second frame, it displays different graphs in the third frame
- Button action calls packet read to initially perform pcap reading and update the json database or dictionary
- Option action or option variable trace observes change in the option value and triggers function call to plotLan or draw graph and display
- Recent updates to the frames with custom report and zoom feature
Module3 – pcapReader.py – Pcap Reading
- Reads the given packet capture file and populates a dictionary of various information of the packets
- First Key of the Dictionary is DB[ip] – collects the private Ips
- Second Key of the Dictionary is TCP or UDP – Basis of communication
- Third Key of the Dictionary is HTTP, HTTPS, Ports Connected information
- Few other keys collecting the HTTP Servers, Payload also are segregated
- Json DB Structure:
- DB[PrivateIp]
- Server
- Payload
- PortsConnected
- PortsConnected
- Ethernet
Module4 – plotLanNetwork.py – Network Graph Drawing
- Uses graphviz module to plot network graph
- Classifies all the private IP in the network from the packetDB into nodes
- Traces all the traffic based on the category under consideration and draws edges
- Style added to differentiate different traffic
Module 5 – torTrafficHandle.py – Tor Traffic Detection
- Obtains consensus data from the tor authority nodes using the stem library and matches all the destination address of packets to view any match
- Classifies destination of such an address as a potential Tor traffic displayed with a white edge
Module 6 – maliciousTrafficIdentifier.py – Malicious Traffic Detection
- Obtains the Non-resolved IP address (by reverse DNS lookup) or connection to any unknown ports or not well-known ports are assumed to be a malicious connection
- Well known ports database is kept small as of now with the most well-known ports such as 53, 80, 443. It should be updated with a proper db of well-known ports to compare against.
Module 7 – communicationDetailsFetch.py – Traffic Details Fetch
- Ipwhois:
- Ipwhois details are fetched with the ipwhois library
- Every ip is resolved for the whois information and the report is updated
- This feature already exists but is kept disabled to achieve performance and speed (Ex: scenario to solve: Some pcap files contain over 100 hosts)
- Reverse dns lookup:
- Reverse dns lookup is performed with the socket library which is default and domain name is obtained from gethostbyaddr function
Module 8 – deviceDetailsFetch.py – Device Details Fetch
- Device details are obtained from the Ethernet key of the packet DB
- For each private IP the mac OUI is compared with the OUI database and information is fetched
Module 9 – reportGen.py – Report Generator
- Report generator module generates report at a given path,
- Device details
- Communication details
- HTTPPayload details
- Copies all the Json database contents into the files based on the category
- Provides network graph of all the different traffic – Tor, Malicious, All, HTTP and HTTPS
- Create a Report Folder to dump all the “PNG” files of different graphs
- Generates files with information from the database
Tkinter and TTK – Install from pip or apt-get – Ensure Tkinter and graphviz is installed (Most Linux contain by default)
apt install python-tk
apt install graphviz
apt install python3-tk for python3
Sometimes ImageTk errors are thrown in python3 env --> use apt install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
All these are included in the requirements.txt file
- Scapy – rdpcap to read the packets from the pcap file
- Ipwhois – to obtain whois information from ip
- Netaddr – to check ip information type
- Pillow – image processing library
- Stem – tor consensus data fetch library
- pyGraphviz – plot graph
- Networkx – plot graph
- Matplotlib – plot graph ( not used - for research )
Unstability of the TK GUI
- Decision on the GUI between Django and TK, settled upon tk for a simple local interface, but the unstability of the tk gui caused a number of problems
Graph Plotting
- Plotting a proper network graph which is readable from the data obtained was quite an effort, used different libraries to arrive at one.
Performance and Timing
- The performance and timing of the total application was a big challenge with different data gathering and output generation
Memory Hogging
- Sometimes memory hogging occurs when lower RAM is present in the system as the data stored in the memory from the pcap file is huge
- Should be Fixed by moving data into a database than the memory itself
Race Condition
- Due to mainloop of the TK gui, other threads could undergo a race condition
- Should be fixed by moving to a better structured TK implementation or Web GUI
Tk GUI Unstability:
- Same reason as above
Current Fix in rare occasions: If any of the above issue occurs the progress bar keeps running and no output is generated, a restart of the app would be required.
- Change the database from JSON to sqlite or prominent database, due to memory hogging
- Change frontend to web based such as Django
- Make the application more stable
* https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/doc/info/lang.html
* https://www.swharden.com/wp/2010-03-03-viewing-large-images-with-scrollbars-using-python-tk-and-pil/
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40025616/multithreading-from-a-tkinter-app
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6893968/how-to-get-the-return-value-from-a-thread-in-python
* https://pythonhaven.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/generating_graphs_with_pydot/
* http://graphviz.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples.html
* https://medium.com/@vworri/extracting-the-payload-from-a-pcap-file-using-python-d938d7622d71
* http://isrg.blogs.southwales.ac.uk/2009/09/16/graphviz-python-and-tk/
* http://www.tkdocs.com/tutorial/firstexample.html
* https://graph-tool.skewed.de/static/doc/index.html
* https://networkx.github.io/documentation/networkx-1.10/reference/classes.multidigraph.html
* http://isrg.blogs.southwales.ac.uk/2009/09/16/graphviz-python-and-tk/
* http://matthiaseisen.com/articles/graphviz/
* https://stem.torproject.org/tutorials/mirror_mirror_on_the_wall.html
* http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/frame.html
* https://pythonprogramming.net/styling-gui-bit-using-ttk/
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6865792/fresh-tutorial-on-tkinter-and-ttk-for-python-3
* http://coreygoldberg.blogspot.com/2009/12/python-3-tkinter-ttk-tk-themed-widgets_07.html