A curated list of resources grabbed from the Squeezer Framework documentation
Event-driven APIs & Web apps on microservices ... serverless ! Squeezer is a framework designed to help developers to get a better architecture on serverless zero-administration compute platforms with code that runs into microservices clouds like AWS Lambda , Azure Functions , Google Cloud Functions and IBM OpenWhisk .
- Homepage - Official homepage.
- Documentation - Docs.
- Blog - Blog section.
- GitHub organization - Official GitHub organization.
- Twitter - Official Twitter account.
- Facebook - Official Facebook page.
- Youtube - Official youtube channel .
- Chat - Gitter chat
- Ramp-up - Introduction & quick setup
- aws-web-nodejs-reactjs - AWS NodeJS WebApp template + Pug ( ex-Jade ) + ReactJS support + Material UI + Bootstrap 3 styling
- aws-api-nodejs-rest - AWS NodeJS REST API template + DynamoDB + Swagger support