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Template for FastAPI RESTful application built on Modular Monolith and Layered Architecture principles


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FastAPI Modular Monolith Starter Kit

This project is intended to speed up the process of creating Rest API applications on the FastAPI framework built on the Layered Architecture and Modular Monolith principles. This is not a ready-made solution, but a set of basic functions and approaches that can be easily customized and used as a foundation for a project.

This Starter Kit was inspired by the official template from FastAPI full-stack-fastapi-template, best practices from here fastapi-best-practices and a lot of other resource related to this topics.

The project emphasizes the modern approaches and best practices for creation of web applications on Python and maximizes the use of asynchronous communication. All libraries that interact with external services or the file system are asynchronous.

The Project Goals:

  • To provide a basic structure and architecture for a FastAPI application based on the principles of layering and modularity, which will allow for comfortable development, scaling and maintenance of the project in the long run.
  • To provide a basic implementation for a FastAPI application of key functionalities such as DB layer, Authorization/Authentication, Events, Cache, Rate Limiter, Queue, Mails, Testing, Logging, etc., which are often required in the backend applications.


The implementation is not perfect and, of course, subjective. There are nuances with violation of abstraction between layers (for the sake of simplicity and convenience) and many other things that could be done differently, added or improved. If you have any ideas how to make it better, please let me know.


Database Layer


Key Notes:

  • app.core.db.BaseModel - implements general model logic. All custom models should inherit it. BaseModel itself inherits from sqlalchemy.orm.DeclarativeBase.
  • app.core.db.SoftDeleteMixin - implements soft delete functionality. To add soft delete logic for your particular model you just need to inherit SoftDeleteMixin.
  • app.core.db.BaseRepository - implements general CRUD operations as well as list retrieval with sorting, filtering app.core.db.ListParams and pagination app.core.db.PaginatedResult.
  • DBSession form app.core.deps dependency should be used to retrieve sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession from FastAPI DI system.
  • All models must be imported in app/core/, so Alembic will be able to see and work with them.

There is some violation of the interaction between the abstraction layers here, as sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession is passed into services rather than being encapsulated in repositories as is often happens. This is done consciously and there are several reasons for this:

  1. I'm absolutely certain that I won't change SQLAlchemy for something else. So there is no need to build a layer of abstraction around it and overcomplicate the architecture.

  2. I am also pretty sure that my primary database will remain a SQL database. Other databases may be added, such as ElasticSearch, but they will not be a replacement for the main database.

  3. This allows service-level transaction management, which makes it possible to combine calls to multiple methods of different repositories within a single transaction. For example:

    async def delete(self, user_id: int | None = None, user: User | None = None) -> None:
        await self._refresh_token_repository.delete_by_user_id(db=self._db, user_id=user_id)
        await self._user_repository.delete(db=self._db, model_id=user_id, model=user)
        await self._user_repository.commit(db=self._db)

API Layer


Key Notes:

  • APIRouter from fastapi should be used to group related routes together. They should be placed into separate files located in routes.v<api-version> of your modules. For example: .

  • Each module has a top level router, which combines all group routers in one main router. For example: .

  • Top level router from each module should be registered in the app router in

  • app.core.api.ListParamsBuilder - dependency, that parse and build the list request parameters. It uses app.core.db.ListParams, app.core.db.SortParam , app.core.db.FilterParam Pydantic models. So we can extend them and customize validation rules. For example in

    from app.core.db import FilterParam, ListParams, SortParam
    class UserSortParam(SortParam):
        field: Literal['id', 'username', 'status_id', 'created_at']
    class UserFilterParam(FilterParam):
        field: Literal['id', 'username', 'status_id']
    class UserListParams(ListParams):
        sort: list[UserSortParam] | None = Field(None, description='Sorting parameters')
        filters: list[UserFilterParam] | None = Field(None, description='Filtering parameters')

    Then we create instance of app.core.api.ListParamsBuilder and use it in path operation function:

    from app.auth.schemas.user import UserFilterParam, UserListParams, UserResponse, UserSortParam
    from app.core.api import ListParamsBuilder, PaginatedResponse
    list_params_builder = ListParamsBuilder(UserListParams, UserSortParam, UserFilterParam)
    async def get_list(request: UserListParams = Depends(list_params_builder)
    ) -> PaginatedResponse[list[UserResponse]]:
  • app.core.api.ConfigurableRateLimiter - it is just a simple wrapper for RateLimiter dependency from fastapi_limiter package, that adds the ability to enable/disable limiting from config.

    Here is how limiter can be used APIRouter :

    from app.core.api import ConfigurableRateLimiter
    router = APIRouter(dependencies=[Depends(ConfigurableRateLimiter(times=3, seconds=60))])

    Pretty the same for pass operation function:

    from app.core.api import ConfigurableRateLimiter
    @app.get("/", dependencies=[Depends(ConfigurableRateLimiter(times=3, seconds=60))])
    async def index():

    And thanks to configurable nature, in .test.env you can set RATE_LIMITER_ENABLED=False , that will disable the limiter for testing environment.


Key Notes:

  • Application configurations can be obtained via app.core.configs.app_config.
  • Each module should have its own (if necessary), which should be inherited from the app.core.configs.BaseConfig.
  • All configs retrieve the parameters from the .env file.
  • .test.env - overrides the configuration parameters for the testing environment.
  • .sample.env - is just a sample describing all the parameters that are used. It should be copied into .env on the first deploy of our application.

Dependency Injection.

Usage of external DI containers like python-dependency-injector can make some of the solutions in this code more elegant and greatly improve portability of the code to other frameworks, but for simplicity and consistency I've decided to stick with built-in FastAPI DI capabilities for now.

Policies. Action access logic.

Key Notes:

  • All policy files should be placed in the policies directory in our module.

I found it really useful to separate action access logic and action logic itself. This approach works great on medium to large size projects and makes it much easier to support them over the long term. We don't need to install any third-party library to implement this. I don’t have a place for this logic in the Starter Kit at the moment, so I will just show you an example. It's quite simple.

In your :

from app.auth.deps import ActiveUser
from app.auth.exceptions import ActionNotAllowed

async def can_update(user: ActiveUser) bool:
    # Any logic we need to restrict access to this action.
    if not user.is_admin:
        raise ActionNotAllowed("You don't have permission to update the user")
    return True

Then we can use it in our path operation function:

@router.patch('/{user_id}', dependencies=[Depends(can_update)])
async def update(user_id: int) -> None:

As you can see, the FastAPI DI system allows us to easily and quite elegantly add these checks to our routes. Also we can use it anywhere in our code, for example in your services. We just have to pass the necessary parameters in our function:

from app.auth.exceptions import ActionNotAllowed

async def update_status(user_id: int, status_id: UserStatus) -> User:
    user = await self.get(user_id)

    if not await can_update(user):
        raise ActionNotAllowed("You don't have permission to update the user.")

This approach allows us to keep our action access logic in a single place and reuse it if needed. Also it better aligns with SRP from SOLID.

Gateways. Sync cross-module communication.

Key Notes:

  • Gateways should be placed into of each module.

It would be great to create a single entry point for all external sync calls to our module. I suggest we call it Gateway. If we need to call some actions from our module, we should do it through the Gateway. So, first, we create interface which we will use in our dependency and show everyone outside the module:

from app.auth.schemas.user import UserDTO
from app.core.db import ListParams, PaginatedResult

class AuthGatewayInterface(ABC):
    async def get_user(self, user_id: int) -> UserDTO:
        Returns User model by given user_id.
        raise NotImplementedError

    async def get_user_list(self, params: ListParams) -> PaginatedResult[UserDTO]:
        Returns PaginatedResult with a list of User models. ListParams input parameter can be used
        to pass pagination, sort and filter parameters
        raise NotImplementedError

Next, we have to implement it:

from import UserService

class AuthGateway(AuthGatewayInterface):
    def __init__(self, user_service: UserService) -> None:
        self._user_service = user_service

    async def get_user(self, user_id: int) -> UserDTO:
        user = await self._user_service.get(user_id)

        return UserDTO(**user.to_dict()) if user else None

    async def get_user_list(self, params: ListParams) -> PaginatedResult[UserDTO]:
        return await self._user_service.get_list(params, UserDTO)

We can use our dependencies here, because it will be a dependency itself and the FastAPI DI system will resolve everything for us.

Then, we can create function that will be responsible for creating an instance of our AuthGateway and define the dependency:

from app.auth.gateway import AuthGateway as AuthGatewayClass
from app.auth.gateway import AuthGatewayInterface
from import UserService as UserServiceClass

async def get_gateway(user_service: Annotated[UserServiceClass, Depends(get_user_service)]) -> AuthGatewayInterface:
    return AuthGatewayClass(user_service=user_service)
AuthGateway = Annotated[AuthGatewayInterface, Depends(get_gateway)]

In of any module we explicitly define what we want to expose from it.

from app.auth.deps import CurrentUser, ActiveUser, AuthGateway
from import UserCreated, UserDeleted
from app.auth.schemas.user import UserDTO
from app.auth.routers import router_v1

__all__ = [

And finally in any other module we can retrieve it from FastAPI DI system and make a call:

from app.auth import AuthGateway

async def get(auth_gateway: AuthGateway) -> Response:
    user = auth_gateway.get_user(user_id)

In such a project structure, the module should expose only dependencies, entity DTOs, events and routers. It would be a more clear approach if we could expose only AuthGateway dependency to keep all external logic of our module in one place, but I want to leverage the power of the FastAPI DI system, so I also expose ActiveUser and CurrentUser dependencies. But we will still do all external call to our module through one entry point - our Gateway.

My preference is not to maximize the level of abstraction wherever we can, but to strike a healthy balance between the level of abstraction and simplicity. The main thing is that the chosen approach should meet our specific needs for the project and allow us to easily refactor and scale our code in the long run.

Another interesting thing that Gateway allows us to do is that if we decide to take our module to a separate microservice in the future, we only need to implement a new version of Gateway that will make HTTP requests to the external microservice. Pretty the same we will have to do with CurrentUser, ActiveUser and events. We are exposing here only UserDTO, not the users model, so we don't have to change too much here, just pack response into UserDTO and return. Meanwhile, other modules interacting with our module will feel no difference and continue to work as before.


Events service. Async cross-module communication.


Key Notes:

  • All Events should be placed into and Listeners into of each module.
  • @listener decorator from app.core.deps should be used to define the event listener.
  • All from our modules should be imported in .This will make listeners work properly.
  • EventsService dependency from app.core.deps should be used to retrieve an instance that implements from FastAPI DI system.
  • To create Event we have to create child class from and define our event’s fields. BaseEvent just inherit Pydantic BaseModel, so probably you already know how to deal with it.

Events Service built on top of the fastapi-events. This library is the closest in interface to what I wanted to get, so I'll stick with it. But you can implement another provider if you need it.

This is implementation of the async event-driven communication between our modules. We have Events and Listeners. We can dispatch Events from one module and execute any business logic in response to this event (our Listeners) from any modules of our application completely independently. This is probably the best level of abstraction between modules, which is very cool in theory, but it is very difficult to use only this approach in real-world application.

This approach will also allow us to transition relatively easily to using message brokers like RabbitMQ, Redis or Kafka if we decide to make our module a separate microservice in the future.

Event can look like this:

class UserCreated(BaseEvent):
    __event_name__ = 'user_created'

    id: int
    email: EmailStr
    username: str

To create Listener we should utilize the @listener decorator and pass the Event class we want to listen to:

async def user_created_listener(event: ListenedEvent) -> None:

As a parameter in a Listener object will be passed. It’s just simple dataclass with event name and data fields:

class ListenedEvent:
    name: str
    data: Any

To dispatch the Event we should use EventsService :

from app.core.deps import EventsService

async def index(events_service: EventsService) -> Response:

Cache service


Key Notes:

  • @cached decorator from app.core.deps should be used to add caching for path operation function.
  • CacheService dependency from app.core.deps should be used to retrieve an instance that implements from FastAPI DI system.

This is just typical cache service that provides a convenient way to cache path operation functions:

from app.core.deps import cached

@cached(ttl=60, key_builder=lambda f, *args, **kwargs: f"item:{kwargs['item_id']}")
async def get(item_id: int):

As well as any arbitrary data:

from app.core.deps import CacheService

async def index(cache_service: CacheService) -> Response:
    cache_service.set(key='key', value='value', ttl=60)

Queue service


Key Notes:

  • @queued decorator from app.core.deps should be used to define the queue task.
  • Each queue task should be inherited from, has a __task_name__ attribute and implements run(...) method.
  • QueueService dependency from app.core.deps should be used to retrieve an instance that implements from FastAPI DI system.
  • All module tasks should be placed into in our module. Then we should import from our modules into to make them visible for queue workers.

Here is how queue tasks might look like:

from app.core.deps import queued
from import BaseTask

class SendEmail(BaseTask):
    __task_name__ = 'mail.send'

    async def run(self, content: str, email_data: dict) -> None:
        message = EmailMessage()  
        await aiosmtplib.send(message, **smtp_config)

To send it to the queue we should use QueueService:

from app.core.deps import QueueService

async def index(queue_service: QueueService) -> Response:
    await queue_service.push(
        data={'content': template.render(), 'email_data': email_data},

Mail service


Key Notes:

  • MailService dependency from app.core.deps should be used to retrieve an instance that implements from FastAPI DI system.
  • Each email template should inherit and implement _get_dir(...) and _get_name(...) methods.
  • All email template classes should be placed into in each module. Actual HTML templates should be placed in the emails.views directory.
  • Mail sending operation can be executed in the background using QueueService.

An email template class example:

from import BaseTemplate

class UserRegistration(BaseTemplate):
    def __init__(self, username: str, project_name: str):
        self.username = username
        self.project_name = project_name
    def _get_dir(self) -> Path:
        return Path('app/auth/emails/views')

    def _get_name(self) -> str:
        return 'user_registration.html'

And HTML template user_registration.html:

<h1> Hello {{ username }}!</h1>

<p>You have successfully registered on <b>{{ project_name }}</b>.</p>
<p>Thank you and welcome to your new account!</p>

To send an email we should use MailService:

from import EmailData
from app.core.deps import MailService

async def index(mail_service: MailService) -> Response:
    email_data = EmailData(subject='Successful registration',
    template = UserRegistration(username=user.username, project_name=app_config.PROJECT_NAME)
    self._mail.send(template=template, email_data=email_data)
    # Or to send on background using QueueService
    self._mail.queue(template=template, email_data=email_data)

Logging service


Key Notes:

  • We can customize structlog configuration in app/core/config/ .
  • logger instance is designed as a Singleton that implements and can be found in
  • Both sync and async methods can be used.

The logger can be used in this way:

from app.core.deps import logger

await logger.a_info('Something happened')


Authorization/Authentication module.


Key Notes:

  • Login endpoint:
    • POST /auth/login.
  • Registration endpoint:
    • POST /auth/register.
  • Tokens refreshing endpoint:
    • POST /auth/refresh-token.
  • Password restoration endpoints:
    • POST /auth/restore-password
    • POST/auth/reset-password
  • Users CRUD endpoints:
    • GET /users?sort=id:desc,username:asc&page=1&per_page=3&filters=id:[1,2]
    • GET /users/2
  • Profile CRUD endpoints:
    • GET /profile
    • PATCH /profile
    • DEL /profile
  • Dependencies CurrentUser and ActiveUser should be used for retrieving current user by access_token in headers in path operation function.
  • Gateway dependency AuthGateway provides centralized access to the module functions.
  • Module provides basic events UserCreated, UserDeleted on which any module can subscribe.

Auth module implements basic authorization/authentication logic based on JWT tokens. It is located in the app.auth directory. In we can find what is explicitly exposed from the module and what can be used to communicate with it.

Development Environment and Tooling

Package manager and deployment



This environment is designed for convenient local development and is not optimized for production. Please do not use these docker-compose.yaml and Dockerfile on your production servers.

Getting started

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose.
  2. Copy .sample.env into .env and update configuration parameters.
  3. Build app image docker compose build
  4. Run server docker compose up -d

Check the app logs

  • docker compose logs app

Create Alembic migrations locally

  • docker compose exec app alembic revision --autogenerate -m "create some table."

Static code analyzers, linters and formatters


  • Linter and code formatter: Ruff
  • Type checker: mypy

Key Notes:

  • Ruff helps to follow the best code style practices, while mypy ensures that all types are used properly.
  • We can customize configuration for Ruff and mypy in pyproject.toml


  • ruff check . to check without fix
  • ruff check --fix . to check and fix
  • ruff format . to format


  • mypy . to check typing



Key Notes:

  • .test.env is used to override main environment parameters from .env for testing environment.
  • All database tables are created once before all tests and dropped once after all tests accordingly to speed up test execution, so you have to handle cleaning for tables that you need in db fixture in tests/
  • To login users in your integration tests tests.utils.login_user helper can be used.
  • All factories must inherit tests.factories.async_alchemy_factory.AsyncSQLAlchemyModelFactory This class extends factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory and adds the support for async database sessions.
  • We can customize configuration for pytest in pyproject.toml


  • docker compose exec app pytest to run all tests.
  • docker compose exec app pytest -v -s to run tests with extended info and stdout.
  • docker compose exec app pytest tests/auth/unit/repositories/ to run tests from specific file.


  • docker compose exec app coverage run -m pytest to run tests with coverage.
  • docker compose exec app coverage report to generate coverage report.
  • docker compose exec app coverage html to generate more detailed HTML report.


Template for FastAPI RESTful application built on Modular Monolith and Layered Architecture principles







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  • Python 98.5%
  • Other 1.5%