For one, I built this timer as a hobby project to learn how to code. And secondly, because none of the timers already in existence have the use case I wanted, or they didn't cover the latest game expansions.
The timer is intended to stick on a second monitor. To keep an eye on what happens next, in the fantastic world of Tyria.
- Copy Waypoint to Clipboard
- hide Events you are not interested in
- Set a visual and audible alert 2, 5 or 10 Minutes before an Events begins
- Mark an Event as done (will reset with in game server reset)
- "Done Marker" and hidden Events gets Saved for your future visit
- Missing events
- Add missing events
- UI/UX improvement
- set "Done Marker" via a user provided API key
- Include Farm Train notifications - maybe if I figure out how.
Frst of all can let me know you feedback.
Or do you want to help keep the light on? I will gladly pay for that, but an in-game Mystic Coin or two would be greatly appreciated. :P