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Repository files navigation


maven Spring Boot Java 11 MySQL


Dependencies used are as follows:

spring-boot-starter-web spring-boot-starter-data-jpa mysql-connector-java lombok spring-boot-devtools spring-boot-starter-test model-mapper spring-boot-starter-validation

Project Architecture

3 layer Architecture : Client <--> Controller <--> Service <--> DAO <--> DB

- Controller
  - Keeps all spring REST controllers
  - Define end points
- Service
  - all service classes that hold business logic
  - Repository layer
  - keep all spring JPA data repository
  - Communicates with database

Project Structure Explained

- controller
  - Contains all Spring MVC controllers
- entity
  - Contains all JPA entities
- service
  - Contains service interfaces
- service.impl
  - Contains servie classes
- utils
  - Contains utilities and classes
- repository
  - Contains Spring Data JPA repositories. (JPA repositories are by default Transactional. Default implementation class of the JpaRepository interface is SimpleJpaRepository class)
- exception
  - Contains all custom exceptions
- payload
  - Contains DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) that act as a payload between client and server

API document generation

OpenAPI 3 specification document for API is auto generated using springdoc-openapi-ui

As per custom path provided in, auto generated API doc is generated at custom path:


Doc can also be accessed in the Swagger UI at path:



Spring Boot Annotations

SpringBootApplication ResponseStatus Service RestController Controller ResponseBody RequestMapping PostMapping GetMapping PathVariable PutMapping DeleteMapping RequestParam Bean ExceptionHandler ControllerAdvice

Lombok annotations

Data AllArgsConstructor NoArgsConstructor

JPA annotations

Entity Table Id GeneratedValue Column ManyToOne JoinColumn OneToMany

Spring Boot starter validation (Hibernate Validator)

NotNull Size Min Max Email NotEmpty NotBlank Valid