Get your weekly spot bid suggestion here
These instructions are for a Linux environment, tested on an Ubuntu 20.04 fresh install.
Some basics just in case (curl and git are the most important)
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt install curl gcc make perl git python3-pip pipenv -y && pip3 install --user pipenv
Navigate to your home directory and install the AWS CLI
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
source ~/.bashrc
To deploy Bidripper you must have an AWS account, and it is highly recommended that you creater a user that is not the root user of the AWS account. Follow this link to create an AWS account. Once your account is created, create an admin user and save the account keys provided to you in a safe place because you will need them!
Create a free AWS account and Admin User
Once your AWS account is set up, get your (secret) access keys ready and then run in terminal
aws configure
Follow the questions. When asked enter us-west-2
for region, and json
for the question about return data types. This will configure a default profile that will be used later when pulling the amplify project.
From whatever directory you installed aws cli, run
curl -sL "" -o
You can close and reopen your terminal like an amateur for this to take effect or run
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
Sanity Check
nvm --version
should return a version number
Set node and npm
nvm install v16.13.0
nvm alias default v16.13.0
node -v
and npm -v
should both return appropriate version numbers.
Create and navigate to the directory you want the bidripper-site loaded into.
mkdir bidripper && cd bidripper
Now install the Amplify CLI
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
amplify init --app
Amplify will clone into the Bidripper repository and initialize the project locally.
There will be a prompt:
? Select the authentication method you want to use: (Use arrow keys)
❯ AWS profile
AWS access keys
When installing the AWS CLI above, a default profile was made. Select 'AWS Profile', then select 'Default'
Amplify will then initialize, build, and deploy the project. Upon completion it will execute npm start
to start the React site locally (localhost:3000). At this point, press <ctrl-c>
to stop it. We need to define the forecast bucket in the bidrippergetbidfunction parameters.json file.
Open amplify/backend/function/bidrippergetbidfunction/parameters.json.
There is a key value pare "forecastbucket" : "somebuckethere". Replace "somebuckethere" with the name of the foreacst bucket provided after deploying the bidripper-ml SAM application. If you have not built and deployed the bidripper-ml application, please stop and follow the instructions found here.
With the appropriate changes to amplify/backend/function/bidrippergetbidfunction/parameters.json you can now deploy the application.
amplify status
will display the changes to be made.
amplify push -y
will push the application into the AWS cloud.
Be aware that until the initial training from the bidripper-ml component is complete the site will return an error and suggest the user return later.
How the BidRipper web application interacts with the BidRipper ML pipeline