SSSwiftUISideMenu: Effortless Side Navigation in SwiftUI
Create sleek and customizable side menus effortlessly in SwiftUI with SSSwiftUISideMenu. This SwiftUI library simplifies the implementation of side menus, allowing you to enhance the navigation and user experience of your iOS apps. With a focus on flexibility and ease of use, SSSwiftUISideMenu empowers developers to integrate stylish side menus seamlessly into their SwiftUI projects.
- Highly customizable
- Multiple options of animations
- Right panel support
- iOS 13.0+
- Xcode 11.0+
- CocoaPods
An example of Custom SideMenu created with this library
- To run the example project, clone the repo, and run
pod install
from the Example directory first.
You can use CocoaPods to install
by adding it to your Podfile:use_frameworks! pod 'SSSwiftUISideMenu'
Import SSSwiftUISideMenu in your file:
import SSSwiftUISideMenu
- Download and drop SSSwiftUISideMenu/Sources folder in your project.
- Grab yourself a cold 🍺.
When using Xcode 11 or later, you can install
by going to your Project settings >Swift Packages
and add the repository by providing the GitHub URL. Alternatively, you can go toFile
>Swift Packages
>Add Package Dependencies...
dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/mobile-simformsolutions/SSSwiftUISideMenu.git", from: "1.0.0") ]
- Import the package in the file you would like to use it:
import SSSwiftUISideMenu
- This library shares one View which you can use as a sidemenu with many customizations like UI, animation, direction and many more. Basic example:
@State private var openSideMenu: Bool = false
@State private var selectedIndex: Int = 0
private var menuItems = [
MenuItem(title: "item_1", icon: "icon_1"),
MenuItem(title: "item_2", icon: "icon_2"),
MenuItem(title: "item_3", icon: "icon_3"),
MenuItem(title: "item_4", icon: "icon_4")
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems)
The results of any interaction from sidemenu item will available in declared selectedIndex state variable. Also sidemnu open / close toggle value will be available in the openSideMenu state variable.
- You can customize almost every main thing in this library.
- For Customizations you have to pass another value of
during call of SSSwiftUISideMenu. This menuConfig argument is optional as well as Every arguments inSSMenuConfig
is also Optional. So, you need to add only those arguments which yo wanted to customize. Here's the examples :
An example of customisation of styles
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems,
menuConfig: SSMenuConfig(titleColor: .black,
selectedTitleColor: .secondary,
backgroundColor: .white))
An example of change sidemenu direction. left direction is default
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems,
menuConfig: SSMenuConfig(menuDirection: .right))
An example of applying a animation type to the sidemenu
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems,
menuConfig: SSMenuConfig(animationType: .easeOut))
You can change the menu width of your choice with the menuWidth. By default is '280'.
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems,
menuConfig: SSMenuConfig(menuWidth: MENU_SIZE))
- You can add leftIconPadding argument to change the icon padding from the left side of the sidemenu view.
- You can add imageToTitlePadding argument for adding a padding between a icon and title.
- You can add iconTintColor argument to change the icon tint color of your choice.
- You can add iconHeight and iconWidth argument change the size of the row icons.
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems,
menuConfig: SSMenuConfig(leftIconPadding: 20,
imageToTitlePadding: 15,
iconTintColor: .black,
iconHeight: 30,
iconWidth: 30))
An example of showing your app version at bottom of the sidemenu. you can configure its style and color. All are optionally configured.
- Add showAppVersion argument to weather to show app versio or not. Default is false
- Add versionText argument for adding a pass the text of the version.
- Add versionTitleColor, versionAlignment or versionFont argument to change the font style and color of the version string.
var body: some Scene {
SSSwiftUISideMenu(openSideMenu: $openSideMenu, selectedIndex: $selectedIndex, menuItems: menuItems,
menuConfig: SSMenuConfig(showAppVersion: true,
versionText: "1.0.0",
versionTitleColor: .gray,
versionAlignment: .center))
- Pass custom view directly to the sidemenu to create sidemenu of your choice.
Up for a suggestions. Give suggestions for more features and customisations.
Whether you're helping us fix bugs, improve the docs, or a feature request, we'd love to have you! 💪
Check out our Contributing Guide for ideas on contributing.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details