Welcome to our SSCompose-Expandable-ListView Library! 🎉 Expandable ListView in Jetpack Compose, providing an easy and flexible way to display hierarchical data in an interactive, expandable list format.
- ✅ Multiple Item Selection: Supports selecting multiple items at once, allowing users to interact with the list more efficiently.
- 🔧 Custom Icons: Easily customizable icons for the header, expand/collapse actions, and selected items, providing a more personalized and visually engaging experience.
- 🎨 Customization Options: Full flexibility to customize the header and list items, including options for text color, background color, and font style, allowing seamless integration with your app's design.
- 📄 HTML Text Support: The list supports rendering HTML-formatted text, making it easier to display rich content like links, bold, italics, and more within list items.
Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle file
dependencies { implementation("com.github.SimformSolutionsPvtLtd:SSComposeExpandableListView:<LATEST_TAG>") }
Add the JitPack repository For latest Android Studio, in settings.gradle file inside
blockdependencyResolutionManagement { repositories { ... maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") } } }
Create ExpandableListView with default values or with custom values.
ComposeExpandableListView( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth(), expandableListData = uiState.simpleExpandableListData, onStateChanged = mainViewModel::updateExpandStatus, onListItemClicked = mainViewModel::listItemSelected, onListItemLongClick = this@MainActivity::listItemLongClicked )
If you want to use this component in LazyColumn then you can use a variant scoped to LazyListScope as below.
LazyColumn { composeExpandableListView( expandableListData = uiState.simpleExpandableListData, onStateChanged = mainViewModel::updateExpandStatus, onListItemClicked = mainViewModel::listItemSelected, onListItemLongClicked = this@MainActivity::listItemLongClicked ) }
Note: If you have a scrollable Column as a parent then you need to convert your scrollable parent to LazyColumn and use LazyListScope.composeExpandableListView()
variant which is scoped to LazyListScope.
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description | Default Value |
expandableListData | ExpandableListData | List of [ExpandableListData] representing the expandable list's headers and child items. | N/A |
headerStylingAttributes | HeaderStylingAttributes | Defines styling for headers, including appearance and layout. | defaultHeaderStylingAttributes |
listItemStylingAttributes | ListItemStylingAttributes | Defines styling for list items, including appearance and layout. | defaultListItemStylingAttributes |
contentAnimation | ContentAnimation | Defines expand/collapse animation for expandable list content. | defaultContentAnimation |
expandedIcon | Int | Drawable resource ID for the icon when a header is expanded. | up arrow |
collapseIcon | Int | Drawable resource ID for the icon when a header is collapsed. | down arrow |
itemSelectedIcon | Int | Drawable resource ID for the icon when a item is selected. | check mark |
onStateChanged | (headerIndex: Int, isExpanded: Boolean) -> Unit | Callback for when a header's expand/collapse state changes, providing the header index and expanded state. | Empty Lambda |
onListItemClicked | (headerIndex: Int, itemIndex: Int, isSelected: Boolean) -> Unit | Callback for when a list item is clicked, providing the header index, item index, and selection state. | Empty Lambda |
onListItemLongClicked | (headerIndex: Int, itemIndex: Int, isSelected: Boolean) -> Unit | Callback for when a list item is long pressed, providing the header index, item index, and selection state. | Empty Lambda |
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Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.