KWoC 2018 – Project report
I was familiar to python, and my love for the language made me sure that I had to choose a python project. I was enthusiastic about learning about and contributing to web scraping projects, and then I saw exactly what I was searching for, GNEWSCLIENT. GNEWSCLIENT is an easy to use python client for Google News Feeds.
I had learnt using git by doing a course but KWoC gave me the opportunity to use Git and Github extensively. I got help from my mentor Nikhil Kumar Singh to get started and he gave me an issue to work on. I was given the task to make the GUI using Python’s Tkinter library for the app. I learnt Tkinter from its documentation and I, along with Utkarsh Tripathi did this joint task and made this GUI. Nikhil Sir reviewed the initial things and suggested some changes, and we worked accordingly. I created my first pull request on 13th of december and then made further commits. Finally after doing the task, I created a pull request for making a little change in the README,