To use the simulation:
- Clone the repo
- Build project
- Run ./app executable with input file
./app < drone-test-large1000.txt
<n drones>
<m delivery locations>
<0 or 1 to print centroids>
<m new line separated coordinate pairs>
eg. 15 -32
Drone 1 cost: 2728.36
Drone 2 cost: 1794.21
Drone 3 cost: 2405.91
Drone 4 cost: 3417.81
Drone 5 cost: 2592.07
Drone 6 cost: 2600.31
Drone 7 cost: 2473.58
Drone 8 cost: 2283.28
Drone 9 cost: 2392.19
Drone 10 cost: 2525.64