MAPLE: Masked Pseudo-Labeling autoEncoder for Semi-supervised Point Cloud Action Recognition. (ACM MM 2022 Oral)
Our MAPLE Project is based on FastReID、P4Transformer (2021 version)、3DV、PointNet++
- GPU>=16GB memory
- RAM>=32GB memory
- Linux with CUDA 10.2 and cuDNN v7.6
- python ≥ 3.6
- PyTorch == 1.8.0
- torchvision == 0.9.0
- Compile the CUDA layers for PointNet++, which we used for furthest point sampling (FPS) and radius neighbouring search:
mv modules-pytorch-1.8.1 modules cd modules python install
- We use DataloaderX instead of torch.nn.Dataloader for data loading acceleration
- We use @functools.lru_cache(100) in NTU60 for data loading acceleration with RAM. The size of the cache depends on the size of RAM, for example:
@functools.lru_cache(5000) need about 160GB RAM for data loading acceleration @functools.lru_cache(500) need about 16GB RAM for data loading acceleration
The preparation of MSR-Action3D dataset
Download MSR-Action3D from url
move file:
mv Depth.rar ./data/MSRAction3D/
unrar the
file and preprocess the MSRAction3D dataset:cd ./data/MSRAction3D/ # unrar the zip file unrar e Depth.rar # mkdir mkdir ./point # preprocess python --input_dir ./Depth --output_dir ./point --num_cpu 8
make them look like this:
MAPLE ├── datasets ├── modules `── data │── MSRAction3D │-- │-- Depth `-- point │-- a01_s01_e01_sdepth.npz │-- a01_s01_e02_sdepth.npz │-- a01_s01_e03_sdepth.npz │-- ...
The preparation of NTU RGBD 60/120 dataset
- Download NTU RGBD dataset from rose_lab
- move file and unzip:
# mkdir mkdir ./data/ntu/npy_faster mkdir ./data/ntu/npy_faster/point_reduce_without_sample # mv mv nturgbd_depth_masked_s0??.zip ./data/ntu/ # cd cd ./data/ntu/ # unzip unzip nturgbd_depth_masked_s0??.zip
- preprocess the NTU dataset from png to npy
# runs in the background for 2~4 hours bash # After 2~4 hours, check whether the number of files is 114480 ls ./npy_faster/point_reduce_without_sample/ -l | grep "^-" | wc -l
- make them look like this:
MAPLE ├── datasets ├── modules `── data │── ntu │-- │-- │-- nturgb+d_depth_masked `-- npy_faster `-- point_reduce_without_sample │-- S001C001P001R001A001.npy │-- S001C001P001R001A002.npy │-- ...
# train baseline of MSR-Action dataset
bash ./
# train baseline of NTU-60 dataset
bash ./
# train baseline of NTU-120 dataset
bash ./
# train pseudo label of MSR-Action dataset
bash ./pseudo_labels/
# train pseudo label of NTU-60 dataset
bash ./pseudo_labels/
# train pseudo label of NTU-120 dataset
bash ./pseudo_labels/
# use MSR-Action dataset as example, bash file of other datasets is under ./vat
# train VAT + Entmin
bash vat/
# or train VAT + Entmin + resume from pretrained model
bash vat/
# if you need to training for VAT, just remove --vat-EntMin in bash file, such as ./vat/
# use MSR-Action dataset as example, bash file of other datasets is under ./z_mask
# train MAPLE
bash ./z_mask/
# use MSR-Action dataset as example, bash file of other datasets is under ./z_mask
# train VAT+Entmin+MAPLE, put the best pretrained VAT+Entmin model of MSR-Action under ./output_msr/entmin/, such as ./output_msr/entmin/model_best_1.pth
bash ./z_mask/
If you use MAPLE in your research or wish to refer to the baseline results published in the Model Zoo, please use the following BibTeX entry.
title={MAPLE: Masked Pseudo-Labeling autoEncoder for Semi-supervised Point Cloud Action Recognition},
author={Xiaodong Chen and Wu Liu and Xinchen Liu and Yongdong Zhang and Jungong Han and Tao Mei},
booktitle={ACM Multimedia (ACM MM)},