This app was initiated as an assignment project for Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree item_catalog project. This progect was listed to be converted to a resources catalog for books, places, websites.. etc, that could help anyone to enhance his oportunities, skills & cv. See also >
Started from version 2 as this project is a continue of a previous version of native flask app that was not completed dispite incompletion, all starting modules has been changed for educational purposes so it's now is from step 2 to let myself remember how log it taken me to learn and what I gained
This repo is initiated for educational purposes
We do our best to enhance this app,
but tt's still not recommended to use the app as is in production without working arround it's security -
For educators: Even if you have the right to use the
code as you want as you refer to the auther copyrigts,I advice you to write the code yourself in the
beginning so you understand what have been written and
thin you could work around it wellthis msg is especially for Udacity-FSND learners
I'm also not responsple for any kind of usage of
this code except by me, you are the only responsple of
what you do.
- This project does not recieve any updates now a days
- Abdelaziz Sharaf (Author) - Dec 28, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Abdelaziz Sharaf under the GPL License.