This tool can add images (in .fits format) with stars on them. Tool computes proper transform frame to frame, to make all sourses line up together.
imsum --config <config.cfg path> --images <images list>
This command adds other images to base image and results in out.fits.
Example (jupiter notebook):
from pyastroimsumlib import astroimsum
frames = glob("path_to_frames/*.fits")
base_frame_index = len(frames) // 2 - 1
base_frame = frames[base_frame_index]
other_frames = frames[:base_frame_index] + frames[base_frame_index + 1 :]
lib = astroimsum.astroimsum()
!{"rm result.fits"} # Without that kernel will die!
base_frame_loaded = lib.load_frame(base_frame)
for frame in other_frames:
loaded_frame = lib.load_frame(frame)
del loaded_frame
- Source extractor (optional)
- Boost
- C++17 or higher
- Sometimes transformation is just total grbage, I can't fix that. If so folow example.