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Allows binding a method to any WPF/Avalonia event


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Do you want to bind your action to any event without ugly EventTrigger, custom UI controls, huge mvvm frameworks, etc? Try EventBinding which will allow you to bind your method directly to any event, including your own events, without a need to wrap the method in ICommand container.

NuGet Downloads EventBinder Build status NuGet version .NET Framework 3 .NET Core 3
NuGet Downloads EventBinder.Avalonia Build status NuGet version .NET Core 2 Avalonia 0.9.0

Getting started

Just install the nuget package. In case of XamlParseException, try to apply [assembly: EventBinder.AssemblyReference] attribute in your AssemblyInfo.cs or somewhere at global space (e.g. Program.cs).


  • Binding to methods without ICommand
  • Binding to methods with return types
  • Binding to async methods
  • Binding to nested objects using . delimiter (properties and fields are supported)
  • Passing user parameters of int, double, decimal or string type
  • Passing event parameters using $ sign and position number ($0, $1, etc)
  • Passing the current {Binding} as a parameter

You can find most of the features in the example below:

public class ViewModel
    public MetadataViewModel Metadata { get; } = new MetadataViewModel();

    public async Task ShowMessage(string msg, decimal centenary, double year)
        await Task.Delay(0);
        MessageBox.Show(msg + centenary + year);

    public class MetadataViewModel
        public void ShowInfo(Window window, double windowWidth, ViewModel viewModel, object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs eventArgs)
            var sb = new StringBuilder("Window width: ")
                .Append("View model type: ").AppendLine(viewModel.GetType().Name)
                .Append("Sender type: ").AppendLine(sender.GetType().Name)
                .Append("Clicked button: ").AppendLine(eventArgs.ChangedButton.ToString())
                .Append("Mouse X: ").AppendLine(eventArgs.GetPosition(window).X.ToString())
                .Append("Mouse Y: ").AppendLine(eventArgs.GetPosition(window).Y.ToString());

XAML-side binding

<!-- Please note that the assembly for Avalonia is different. It is assembly=EventBinder.Avalonia. -->
<Window xmlns:e="clr-namespace:EventBinder;assembly=EventBinder" Name="Wnd">
    <Rectangle Fill="LightGray" Name="Rct"
        MouseLeftButtonDown="{e:EventBinding ShowMessage, `Happy `, 20m, 20.0 }"
        MouseRightButtonDown="{e:EventBinding Metadata.ShowInfo, {Binding ElementName=Wnd},
            {Binding ElementName=Wnd, Path=ActualWidth}, {Binding}, $0, $1 }" />

C#-side binding

EventBinding.Bind(Rct, nameof(Rct.MouseLeftButtonDown),
    "`Happy `", 20m, 20.0);
EventBinding.Bind(Rct, nameof(Rct.MouseRightButtonDown),
    nameof(ViewModel.Metadata) + "." + nameof(ViewModel.Metadata.ShowInfo),
    new Binding { ElementName = nameof(Wnd)},
    new Binding("ActualWidth") { ElementName = nameof(Wnd) },
    new Binding(),
    "$0", "$1");