Images search engine based on Pixabay API.
Search and preview images in both online and offline modes.
- Min. deployment target Android API 24
- Kotlin source code
- Pagination
- Offline data handling
- Modular MVVM architecture
The app is designed with multi layer MVVM architecture for better control over individual modules. Which makes the project open for scalability, and flexible to change, maintain and test.
git clone [email protected]:SembaMax/pixabay-images-app.git
- JDK11
- Supports minimum API 24
- Gradle 7.5.1+
- Kotlin 1.7.21+
- Android Studio Electric Eel
- Login into Pixabay for getting API_KEY
- Add
defaultConfig {
buildConfigField("String", "PIXABAY_API_KEY", "\"${properties.getProperty("PIXABAY_API_KEY")}\"")
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose Navigation
- Material Design 3
- Themes
- Flows
- Retrofit2
- Timber
- Room
- Hilt
- Coroutines
- Coil
- Gradle kts
- Modularization
path: /certifactes/debug.jks
keytool -list -v -keystore debug.jks -alias debug -storepass "yDgU54VF7#brJh*A" -keypass "yDgU54VF7#brJh*A"
SHA1: BE:92:C6:81:AC:34:7D:F8:AE:97:E9:00:3F:46:80:8D:3A:73:46:DC
path: /certifactes/release.jks
keytool -list -v -keystore release.jks -alias release -storepass "Yo#Hsd4mD0QF3E^i" -keypass "Yo#Hsd4mD0QF3E^i"
SHA1: E4:44:34:BD:93:BB:63:1B:9A:EC:3C:52:84:38:BB:16:A1:3E:53:C0