A simple and light single page application(SPA) template that uses hash written in jquery.
This is a simple and light(less than 50 lines of code as of now) Single Page Application (SPA) written in jquery that I decided to create for myself and developers that just learnt javascript and jquery and want to build a simple SPA site/app, or are interested in understanding the fundermentals of how SPA apps like Gmail work using hash.
This app works with html, css and depends on jquery for simplicity and the hash keyword to prevent default page loads.
Just download the files and run code in your browser. It's not required to run it on a webserver.
This project is hosted on GH pages so you can see how it works.
None recorded so far after using all dependencies. Please read code comments to further understand how it works :).
Please check out another SPA project that uses more modern standards and works similar to popular SPA frameworks : https://github.com/Sedemstickx/jquery-spa
Any commits by other developers to further make this simple and easily used by anyone will be appreciated.