Author: Sebastian Veuskens
Project definition approach was inspired by cowinkiedink
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A platform that demonstrates at least one AI approach to try to find a successful strategy in the popular game Battleship for a given starting position. A visual display of the game board will display the starting position as well as the move decisions of the AI in a step-by-step manner. Different board sizes and number of boats can be selected to account for complexity.
The minimal viable product is a simple AI that is able to play a game in accordance with the rules and performs better than random guessing. A (non-interactive) local visual display of the game and its steps has to be implemented.
Compare more than one AI approach to each other. Especially a reinforcement learning algorithm in comparison with a bayes/naive approach would be interesting.
Having a visual platform on a website instead of a local machine.
Render the display of the board to make it look more appealing.
An interactive platform that lets people chose the size of the board, number of boats, the algorithm and when to go to the next step.
A fully-responsive platform that lets users play games against the AI.
- For this feature, more definitions for the AI have to be made about the choice of starting position as well as the opponents gameplay as an additional input.
When a visually appealing platform for the game is available that allows the demonstrations of the algorithms.