This is the front-end code for the Bistro Boss Restaurant website. It is built using React and integrates with the backend to provide a seamless user experience for browsing the menu, managing cart items, and processing payments.
- User authentication and authorization
- Browse and filter menu items
- Add and remove items from the cart
- View order history
- Process payments using Stripe
- Admin dashboard for managing menu items and orders
- React
- React Router
- Axios
- Firebase
- Stripe
- TanStack React Query
- dotenv
- Moment.js
- PropTypes
- React Hook Form
- React Hot Toast
- React Icons
- React Loader Spinner
- React Loading Skeleton
- React Paginate
- React Parallax
- React Responsive Carousel
- React Simple Captcha
- React Slick
- React Tabs
- React Toastify
- Recharts
- SweetAlert2
To access the admin features, use the following credentials:
- Email:
- Password: