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Sandrem edited this page Mar 2, 2018 · 77 revisions

Planned features

Feature Planned in version
Support of two-slot cards 0.4.3
Support of dual cards 0.4.3
AI: Support of additional attacks 0.4.3
Decloack subphase with correct order of decloaking and mobile devices support 0.4.3
Distance measurement rework 0.4.3
Better info-messages (with images of card-source of message) 0.4.3
Better transition between phases/players (with full-screen messages) 0.4.3
Uncancellable dice 0.4.3
Models as prefabs (optimization) 0.4.3
Conditions without modification of game objects 0.4.3
Animation of S-foils 0.4.3
Tractor beam 0.4.3 ?
Mods indicator for multiplayer 0.4.3 ?
Highligt sources of triggers ?
Combat UI scale for mobile devices 0.4.4 ?
Asteroid setup subphase 0.5.0
Debris 0.5.0

Priority of new cards

Pilots Upgrades
Rex, Braylen Stramm, Tomax Bren Collision Detector, C-3PO, Lightweight Frame, Wookiee Commandos, Autoblaster Turret, Crack Shot, Emperor Palpatine, Adaptability, Scavenger Crane, Smuggling Compartment, Boba Fett (crew), Primed Thrusters, Experimental Interface, Plasma Torpedoes

Features that are not planned in the nearest future

Large ship setup rule
Add sliding to Tarrol Roll
Add reverse maneuver
Fix order of special effects
HotAC Campaign
AI: Barrel Roll and Boost
AI: Plan for 2 turns ahead
Alternative models for ships
Game log
Chat for network games
Profiles, nicks and avatars, statistics