Converts Integer to Roman Numbers
Converts Roman Numbers to Integer
It uses Different approach to find Median of two lists.
For a list of integers nums, and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.
This notebook checks if a year is Leap Year or not
For Loop will print from 1 to 100, when number divisible by 3 it will print Fizz and by 5 it will print Buzz and when divisible by both 3 and 5 it will print FizzBuzz
Word is selected randonly and user have to guess the word letters.
The word to be guessed will be shown as List of "", for example if "user" is to guessed then word to be guessed will be shown as ["","","","_"]
This notebook generates password with number of charaters, symbol and numbers we provide as input using randomization.
Hangman word guess game
You have to guess numbers between 1 to 101. Difficulty you can choose either easy or hard
This code will check if a number is prime or not