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SVMP Overseer

Serves as a central controller, login, and RESTful API server for SVMP. Includes a web console and an HTML5 web client.

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Install Steps

  1. Download this project
  2. Within the root directory of this project, run these commands to install the project and download dependencies:
$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
$ sudo npm install -g bower
$ npm install

Quick Start

If you haven't used MongoDB yet, make sure it's running. Then, set your Node environment to production mode:

$ export NODE_ENV=production

On first run, the configuration file will be created. Run the server:

$ node server.js

Now, press Ctrl+C to close the server. Open the newly-generated ./config/config-local.js file and set your private settings here. Choose which cloud environment you will use and set the appropriate cloud configuration accordingly.

To set up TLS encryption with self-signed certificates:

  1. Modify the ./tls/*.cnf files to match your SVMP Overseer and SVMP Server information. Important: change the passwords from the defaults!

  2. Modify the ./tls/Makefile, change the SERVER_PASSPHRASE and OVERSEER_PASSPHRASE values to match your new passwords.

  3. Generate the self-signed certificates:

    $ make -C ./tls/

Run tests to make sure they pass:

$ grunt

Finally, start the server:

$ node server.js

Using a web browser, navigate to the root URL to access the web console (e.g. https://your-hostname:3000)


All requests with a URL prefix of /api and /services must contain a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the request header, in the form: svmp-authtoken : 'sometoken'

Requests to URLs with a /services prefix must have the role admin in the JWT. You can use Grunt to generate a services token. For more details, run the following command:

$ node create-token.js

User Clients


POST /login


{ username: 'un',
  password: 'pw'


  • 200 OK - Body:
    { sessionInfo: {
        token: 'token',
        maxLength: 36000
      server: {
        host: ''
        port: 8002
      webrtc: {...}

Token is a JWT that can be used to authenticate with an SVMP proxy server, with a payload that includes: javascript { sub: 'user._id', role: 'user|admin', exp: 'expiration time', jti: 'username-uuid' }

  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad username/password combination
  • 403 Forbidden - The user needs to change their password before proceeding
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Change Password

POST /changePassword


{ password: 'hello',
  newPassword: 'thisismynewsecurepassword'


  • 200 OK - Includes same body as /login response
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad username/password combination
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Service - Users

Requests to URLs with a /services prefix must have the role admin in the authentication token. Requests to Services do not require a login. Clients must be pre-configured with proper authentication tokens. You can use Grunt to generate a services token. See grunt create-service-token

List Users

GET /services/users


  • 200 OK - Body: { users: [{...}, {...}, ...] }
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Add User

POST /services/user


{ user: {
    username: 'un',
    password: 'pw',
    email: '[email protected]',
    device_type: 'device_1'


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Delete User

DELETE /services/user/:username

where :username is the actual user's name


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - User does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Update User

PUT /services/user/:username

where :username is the actual user's name


{ username: 'un',
  // Field(s) to update
  update: {'email': '[email protected]'}


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - User does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Find User

GET /services/user/:username

where :username is the actual user's name


  • 200 OK - Body: { user: {...} }
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - User does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Service - VM Session Management

Create VM Session

POST services/vm-session


{ username: 'un',
  expireAt: Date


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Update VM Session

PUT services/vm-session


{ username: 'un',
  lastAction: Date


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Service - Cloud

Setup VM

Setup a VM for user. Usually done during login

GET /services/cloud/setupVm/:username

where :username is the actual user's name


  • 200 OK - Body: { vm_ip: 'ip address', vm_port: 'port number of vm' }
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

List Device Types

GET /services/cloud/devices


  • 200 OK - Body: { device_1: 'imageID', device_2: 'imageID', ... }
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

List Volumes

GET /services/cloud/volumes


  • 200 OK - Body: { volumes: [...] }
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Create Volume for User

POST /services/cloud/volume/create


{ username: 'un' }


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - User does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Assign Volume to User

POST /services/cloud/assignVolume


{ username: 'un',
  volid: 'volume ID'


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - User does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

Create/Start VM for User

GET /services/cloud/setupVm/:username

where :username is the actual user's name


  • 200 OK - Empty body
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing required field(s)
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 404 Not Found - User does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request

List Images and Flavors

GET /services/cloud/images


  • 200 OK - Body: { flavors: [...], images: [...] }
  • 401 Unauthorized - Bad token or insufficient permissions
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Unable to complete request


Copyright (c) 2012-2014, The MITRE Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.