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samatstarion edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 9 revisions


The CDP4-COMET-SDK is made up of a collection of C# libraries that can be used to create Concurrent Design applications. The CDP4 Web Services and the CDP4-COMET Desktop Application rely on these libraries for their implementation. The libraries are made available on Nuget. The CDP4-SDK is also available as Enterprise Edition. Found out more about the CDP4-SDK on the wiki.

The CDP4-SDK contains the following libraries:


The CDP4Common library is a C# implementation of the CDP4-COMET UML master model. The CDP4-COMET UML master model is based on the ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex A UML master model and extends it with CDP4-COMET concepts to improve the use of ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex A for Concurrent Design of complex systems. The library contains both POCO and DTO implementations of the classes defined in the CDP4 UML master model. The POCO classes are used when a full object graph is required. The DTO's are used when a full object graph is not required, references to other class are represented by unique identifiers in the form of a GUID.

The CDP4Common library also includes a set of so-called MetaInfo classes. These classes are used to provide information about the classes in the UML master model such as the properties, relationships to other classes etc. These classes provide similar functionality as the C# reflection system, but with higher performance.


The CDP4JsonSerializer library is an optimized CDP4Common specific JSON (de)serialization library that is used to serialize and deserialize the classes implemented in the CDP4Common class library. The (de)serialization makes use of the popular Json.NET framework to serialize and deserialize the CDP4Common DTO classes.


The CDP4Dal library is a library that provides the basis to implement ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex C. Annex C specifies both the JSON REST API and the exchange file format. The CDP4Dal library contains the Assembler that is used to create a fully dereferenced object graph, a message bus to send events for consumptions in applications that implement the MVVM design pattern as well as the Session class that manages a connection to a datasource.


The CDP4JsonFileDal library is a C# library that provides an implementation of ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex C.3, the JSON Exchange File Format. This file format is a ZIP archive in which a number of files are stored that each contain one or more ECSS-E-TM-10-25 objects that are serialized in the form of a JSON array of JSON objects. The CDP4JsonFileDal library can be used to read from such a ZIP archive, and to create such a ZIP archive. The ZIP archive is typically used to exchange complete models between organizations.


The CDP4ServicesDal library is a C# library that provides an implementation of ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex C.2, the JSON REST API, which includes concepts that are specific to the CDP4. These CDP4 specific items are pure extensions of ECSS-E-TM-10-25A. The CDP4ServicesDal library can only be used to communicate with a CDP4 Services instance, dedicated HTTP headers are used to verify that the REST API is indeed a CDP4 Services instance.


The CDP4WspDal library is a C# library that provides an implementation of ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex C.2, the JSON REST API. The CDP4WspDal can be used to communicate with any ECSS-E-TM-10-25A Annex C.2 implementation, including the CDP4 Services.