Help output:
D:\Git\SQF-VM\Release\Windows\x64\sqfvm-cpp.exe [--pretty-print <PATH>]
... [-c] [-N] [-n] [-p <NUMBER>]
[-m <NUMBER>] [-s] [-a] [-R <CODE>]
... [-r <CODE>] ... [-F <PATH>]
... [-f <PATH>] ... [--]
[--version] [-h]
--pretty-print <PATH> (accepted multiple times)
Loads provided file from disk and pretty-prints it onto console.
-c, --disable-classname-check
Disables the config checking for eg. createVehicle.
-N, --no-execute-print
Prevents the `Execute` and two horizontal lines to be printed.
-n, --no-print
Prevents the value stack to be printed out at the very end.
-p <NUMBER>, --server-port <NUMBER>
Sets the port of the server. Defaults to 9090.
-m <NUMBER>, --max-instructions <NUMBER>
Sets the maximum ammount of instructions to execute before a hard exit
may occur. Setting this to 0 will disable the limit.
-s, --start-server
Causes the sqf-vm to start a network server allowing for automated
-a, --no-prompt
Disables the prompt which expects you to type in sqf-code.
-R <CODE>, --config-code <CODE> (accepted multiple times)
Loads provided config-code directly into the sqf-vm. (executed after
-r <CODE>, --sqf-code <CODE> (accepted multiple times)
Loads provided sqf-code directly into the sqf-vm. (executed after
-F <PATH>, --config-file <PATH> (accepted multiple times)
Loads provided config-file from the hdd into the sqf-vm.
-f <PATH>, --sqf-file <PATH> (accepted multiple times)
Loads provided sqf-file from the hdd into the sqf-vm.
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
Emulates the ArmA-Series SQF environment.
Supported commands:
["n", "parsingnamespace"],
["n", "pi"],
["n", "nil"],
["n", "east"],
["n", "missionnamespace"],
["n", "cmds__"],
["n", "uinamespace"],
["n", "profilenamespace"],
["n", "productversion"],
["n", "diag_ticktime"],
["n", "allobjects__"],
["n", "true"],
["n", "false"],
["n", "confignull"],
["n", "configfile"],
["n", "blufor"],
["n", "west"],
["n", "opfor"],
["n", "resistance"],
["n", "independent"],
["n", "civilian"],
["n", "sideempty"],
["n", "sideenemy"],
["n", "grpnull"],
["n", "sidefriendly"],
["n", "sidelogic"],
["n", "sideunknown"],
["n", "objnull"],
["u", "abs", "SCALAR"],
["u", "round", "SCALAR"],
["u", "sqrt", "SCALAR"],
["u", "deg", "SCALAR"],
["u", "acos", "SCALAR"],
["u", "selectmax", "ARRAY"],
["u", "log", "SCALAR"],
["u", "sin", "SCALAR"],
["u", "toupper", "STRING"],
["u", "tan", "SCALAR"],
["u", "exp", "SCALAR"],
["u", "rad", "SCALAR"],
["u", "random", "SCALAR"],
["u", "hint", "STRING"],
["u", "hint", "TEXT"],
["u", "-", "SCALAR"],
["u", "systemchat", "STRING"],
["u", "+", "SCALAR"],
["u", "+", "NaN"],
["u", "+", "ARRAY"],
["u", "!", "BOOL"],
["u", "floor", "SCALAR"],
["u", "count", "ARRAY"],
["u", "count", "STRING"],
["u", "count", "CONFIG"],
["u", "cei", "SCALAR"],
["u", "asin", "SCALAR"],
["u", "selectmin", "ARRAY"],
["u", "ln", "SCALAR"],
["u", "atan", "SCALAR"],
["u", "allvariables", "NAMESPACE"],
["u", "allvariables", "OBJECT"],
["u", "allvariables", "GROUP"],
["u", "atg", "SCALAR"],
["u", "isnil", "STRING"],
["u", "isnil", "CODE"],
["u", "units", "GROUP"],
["u", "units", "OBJECT"],
["u", "cos", "SCALAR"],
["u", "private", "STRING"],
["u", "private", "ARRAY"],
["u", "vectormagnitude", "ARRAY"],
["u", "format", "ARRAY"],
["u", "scriptdone", "SCRIPT"],
["u", "vectormagnitudesqr", "ARRAY"],
["u", "vectornormalized", "ARRAY"],
["u", "call", "CODE"],
["u", "with", "NAMESPACE"],
["u", "default", "CODE"],
["u", "comment", "STRING"],
["u", "compile", "STRING"],
["u", "while", "CODE"],
["u", "typename", "ANY"],
["u", "str", "ANY"],
["u", "for", "STRING"],
["u", "if", "BOOL"],
["u", "selectrandom", "ARRAY"],
["u", "reverse", "ARRAY"],
["u", "tolower", "STRING"],
["u", "case", "ANY"],
["u", "switch", "ANY"],
["u", "params", "ARRAY"],
["u", "diag_log", "ANY"],
["u", "tree__", "STRING"],
["u", "typeof", "OBJECT"],
["u", "help__", "STRING"],
["u", "configparse__", "STRING"],
["u", "toarray", "STRING"],
["u", "tostring", "ARRAY"],
["u", "configname", "CONFIG"],
["u", "confighierarchy", "CONFIG"],
["u", "inheritsfrom", "CONFIG"],
["u", "isnumber", "CONFIG"],
["u", "istext", "CONFIG"],
["u", "isclass", "CONFIG"],
["u", "isarray", "CONFIG"],
["u", "getnumber", "CONFIG"],
["u", "gettext", "CONFIG"],
["u", "getarray", "CONFIG"],
["u", "creategroup", "SIDE"],
["u", "groupid", "GROUP"],
["u", "deletegroup", "GROUP"],
["u", "createvehicle", "ARRAY"],
["u", "deletevehicle", "OBJECT"],
["u", "position", "OBJECT"],
["u", "getpos", "OBJECT"],
["u", "velocity", "OBJECT"],
["b", "SCALAR", "min", "SCALAR"],
["b", "SCALAR", "atan2", "SCALAR"],
["b", "OBJECT", "domove", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "domove", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "^", "SCALAR"],
["b", "CODE", "foreach", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectordiff", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectoradd", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "max", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ANY", "!=", "ANY"],
["b", "SIDE", "!=", "SIDE"],
["b", "STRING", "!=", "STRING"],
["b", "OBJECT", "!=", "OBJECT"],
["b", "GROUP", "!=", "GROUP"],
["b", "TEXT", "!=", "TEXT"],
["b", "CONFIG", "!=", "CONFIG"],
["b", "DISPLAY", "!=", "DISPLAY"],
["b", "CONTRO", "!=", "CONTRO"],
["b", "LOCATION", "!=", "LOCATION"],
["b", "ARRAY", "set", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "mod", "SCALAR"],
["b", "SCALAR", "-", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "-", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "%", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "pushback", "ANY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "+", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "+", "ARRAY"],
["b", "STRING", "+", "STRING"],
["b", "SCALAR", "*", "SCALAR"],
["b", "SCALAR", "/", "SCALAR"],
["b", "CONFIG", "/", "STRING"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectorcos", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", ">", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "append", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "resize", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectorcrossproduct", "ARRAY"],
["b", "IF", "exitwith", "CODE"],
["b", "ANY", "call", "CODE"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectordistance", "ARRAY"],
["b", "BOOL", "&&", "BOOL"],
["b", "BOOL", "&&", "CODE"],
["b", "SWITCH", ":", "CODE"],
["b", "ARRAY", "select", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "select", "BOOL"],
["b", "ARRAY", "select", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "select", "CODE"],
["b", "STRING", "select", "ARRAY"],
["b", "CONFIG", "select", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectordistancesqr", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ANY", "spawn", "CODE"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectordotproduct", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "<=", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "vectormultiply", "SCALAR"],
["b", "SCALAR", ">=", "SCALAR"],
["b", "WITH", "do", "CODE"],
["b", "WHILE", "do", "CODE"],
["b", "FOR", "do", "CODE"],
["b", "SWITCH", "do", "CODE"],
["b", "NAMESPACE", "getvariable", "STRING"],
["b", "NAMESPACE", "getvariable", "ARRAY"],
["b", "OBJECT", "getvariable", "STRING"],
["b", "OBJECT", "getvariable", "ARRAY"],
["b", "GROUP", "getvariable", "STRING"],
["b", "GROUP", "getvariable", "ARRAY"],
["b", "SCALAR", "==", "SCALAR"],
["b", "SIDE", "==", "SIDE"],
["b", "STRING", "==", "STRING"],
["b", "OBJECT", "==", "OBJECT"],
["b", "GROUP", "==", "GROUP"],
["b", "TEXT", "==", "TEXT"],
["b", "CONFIG", "==", "CONFIG"],
["b", "DISPLAY", "==", "DISPLAY"],
["b", "CONTRO", "==", "CONTRO"],
["b", "LOCATION", "==", "LOCATION"],
["b", "FOR", "step", "SCALAR"],
["b", "NAMESPACE", "setvariable", "ARRAY"],
["b", "OBJECT", "setvariable", "ARRAY"],
["b", "GROUP", "setvariable", "ARRAY"],
["b", "OBJECT", "setvelocity", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "joinstring", "STRING"],
["b", "CODE", "count", "ARRAY"],
["b", "STRING", "callextension", "STRING"],
["b", "STRING", "callextension", "ARRAY"],
["b", "IF", "then", "ARRAY"],
["b", "IF", "then", "CODE"],
["b", "CODE", "else", "CODE"],
["b", "FOR", "from", "SCALAR"],
["b", "FOR", "to", "SCALAR"],
["b", "SCALAR", "<", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "apply", "CODE"],
["b", "ARRAY", "deleteat", "SCALAR"],
["b", "ARRAY", "arrayintersect", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ARRAY", "find", "ANY"],
["b", "STRING", "find", "STRING"],
["b", "ARRAY", "params", "ARRAY"],
["b", "CONFIG", "merge__", "CONFIG"],
["b", "ANY", "createvehiclelocal", "ANY"],
["b", "BOOL", "and", "BOOL"],
["b", "BOOL", "and", "CODE"],
["b", "BOOL", "||", "BOOL"],
["b", "BOOL", "||", "CODE"],
["b", "BOOL", "or", "BOOL"],
["b", "BOOL", "or", "CODE"],
["b", "ANY", "isequalto", "ANY"],
["b", "STRING", "createvehicle", "ARRAY"],
["b", "ANY", "isequaltype", "ANY"],
["b", "CONFIG", ">>", "STRING"],
["b", "OBJECT", "setpos", "ARRAY"],
["b", "GROUP", "createunit", "ARRAY"],
["b", "STRING", "createunit", "ARRAY"]