A Fitbit clock-face in the style of the Pokémon Generation IV Pokétch.
Fitbit Pokétch: Store page (Versa 1, 2, Lite), Store page (Versa 3, and Sense)
Open issues can be found here: issues
To create an issue, be it a bug, question, feature request, or other, use this link here: Open an issue
All of my work is open source and completely free, although if you'd like to support me further, you can follow this link
Unlike the original Pokétch, which came with 25 applications, my Pokétch watch face comes with just 7, which are, in order:
Digital clock - Shows the time
Pedometer - Shows your steps
Stats view - Shows your other stats
Counter - Manually count something with the press of a button
Analogue Watch - Shows the time again!
Move Calc - Shows how effective an attack will be
Calendar - Want to know the current date?
Timer - Count down from up to 99 minutes. (Accuracy may vary)
Tap the bottom half of the screen to cycle through the applications, or tap the top half to cycle backwards.
To enable/disable certain applications, use the dropdown available in the settings for the watch face. By default, only the digital watch face is visible.
Button - Diamond/Pearl single button, or the Platinum double button
Face colour - Dark watch face, or the Light watch face
Edge colour - Diamond blue, Pearl pink, Barry's orange, Platnium blue, or Platinum pink
Screen colour - Default Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet, Indigo, Blue, and Grey
Mascot - Want an Eevee, or a Pikachu on your digital clock?
Wherever possible, I have tried to keep the watch feature and aesthetics as close to the original Pokétch from the games, with minimal changes.
For further description of watch features, see the wiki pages in the github repo here
- The project was written in Javascript, and can be downloaded from the fitbit store at: this link for versa 1, 2, and lite, or this link for versa 3, and sense.
- Mergify has been automatically managing all of the repository branches.
- All-contributors has been managing the contributors section.
- Snyk has been monitoring for security concerns.
- Release-drafter has been compiling all pull requests into changelogs on each draft release, massively expediating the process.
- And Dependabot has been keeping in the shadows to deal with any npm updates.
All the people who have contributed (emoji key):
Jack Lloyd-Walters 💻 👀 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification.