Releases: SEED-platform/seed
Releases · SEED-platform/seed
Date Range: 07/20/22 - 09/08/22
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 15):
- Fixed #2843, BETTER - GHG emission reduction units
- Fixed #2885, Add indication of whether or not property has meters to inventory list
- Fixed #2953, BETTER: allow user to specify meter data to use for analysis
- Feature #3299, Include Units for CO2 Analysis Results
- Feature #3315, Create task to report backlog of celery tasks on an instance of SEED
- Fixed #3327, Resolve Cloudflare error when loading Sensor data by moving to background task
- Feature #3373, Enable customizable Postgres host in Docker files
- Improved #3374, Add helper text to Audit Template settings
- Fixed #3392, Fix error filtering doubles as strings
- Fixed #3425, AT Validation Broken
- Fixed #3444, Add "(Beta)" to summary tab
- Fixed #3484, Fix meters import failing with non-string operation
- Fixed #3507, Only return a max of 10 history on properties and taxlot details
- Maintenance #3508, Upgrade to Django 3.2.15
- Fixed #3510, New inventory list view breaks if ComStock functionality is enabled
Version 2.15.1
Date Range: 07/18/22 - 07/19/22
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 5):
- Fixed #3390, Fix the Tax Lot tab not displaying data from Property List and Property Tab not displaying Tax Lot data
- Feature #3393, Control the number of decimal points being displayed in derived columns
- Fixed #3394, Fix when selecting delete doesn't delete records in new view
- Fixed #3401, Fix breaking query on Property List
- Feature #3402, Make "From" address in password-reset emails configurable when using Docker
Version 2.15.0
Date Range: 03/31/22 - 07/16/22
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 61):
- Fixed #1601, Improve performance moving between different views (Detail to List, etc)
- Feature #1754, Attach PDF (or other files) to a building record
- Fixed #2685, Meter data can't be shown by month
- Feature #2760, Allow derived column definitions and parameters to be used in multiple derived column definitions
- Feature #2868, Add Run ID to fields in Property List and Detail view with BETTER
- Maintenance #3029, Clean up Prod MEDIA directory
- Fixed #3078, Add ability to import data loggers and sensors for a property
- Maintenance #3079, Run WAVA and address issues
- Fixed #3106, Implement container backup on production site
- Fixed #3133, Create Sensor Model Tab
- Fixed #3136, Create Sensor Readings
- Fixed #3146, Extra Data Fields: Need to be able to specify number of decimal points
- Fixed #3154, Add DataLogger concept
- Fixed #3174, Add canonical GHG fields
- Fixed #3175, Store results of carbon analysis into SEED db-based fields
- Feature #3178, BETTER: Retrieve R2 analysis value from API request and display it in the BETTER results in SEED
- Feature #3185, Derived Fields should be able to be moved anywhere in the Inventory List, not just at the end
- Fixed #3188, Letter spacing for some derived columns is odd in Inventory List
- Fixed #3193, Add email template help text on top of page
- Fixed #3199, Improve the ESPM data import process
- Feature #3200, BuildingSync Asset Extractor Integration
- Maintenance #3205, Update lxml to 4.7.1
- Fixed #3207, Disable showing measures and scenarios on tax lot page
- Feature #3209, Add export functionality for dataloggers and sensors
- Feature #3216, Add description field to columns
- Fixed #3218, Add inventory action to "touch" record - refresh metadata
- Fixed #3219, Integrate AT API to dynamically pull AT reports (via BuildingSync) into SEED
- Fixed #3221, Inject multiple cycles of the BPS data, determine how to view across cycles
- Fixed #3223, Generate example data set for use in BPS
- Maintenance #3231, Format all python code using precommit
- Fixed #3233, Create A Data Logger "Dismiss" button doesn't close the window if there is no data entered
- Fixed #3236, Error trying to upload sensor data due to datetime field
- Fixed #3243, Add timezone to property state
- Fixed #3248, Remove print statements from BAE
- Fixed #3253, Verify if Inventory List is pulling all the property states
- Fixed #3256, Refactor Layout of Inventory-Beta "Filter By Label" and "Current Filters"
- Fixed #3269, Unifying export functionality between Actions->Export and Hamburger Menu on UI Grid
- Maintenance #3275, Fix readthedocs as it is not generating the same documentation as local builds of the documentation
- Fixed #3277, Accountability hierarchy rough technical specification
- Fixed #3279, Sensor Action buttons text is being truncated
- Feature #3280, Sensors: Add more fields to Data Loggers section
- Fixed #3281, Sensor Export: Data Logger field is missing + field name tweaks
- Feature #3287, Add ability to API to filter property/labels by label names
- Feature [#3291]]( #3291 ), Add "Show in List" to Inventory List view
- Feature #3295, Column Description Field: Make larger, maybe memo box
- Feature #3300, Add Emissions Intensity to Analysis Results
- Feature #3308, Add Audit Template Building ID to Audit Template Building Sync import
- Feature #3313, Add property search on exact result match
- Feature #3316, Add
argument to create_test_user_json managed task - Maintenance #3318, Push latest docker images as well as version tagged images when releasing
- Fixed #3324, Importing Sensor Meta Data only imports one column name field -- timestamp
- Fixed #3325, Fix of duplicate BETTER GHG Fields
- Feature #3335, Add new BAE assets
- Fixed #3338, Sensors: Can't dismiss Create a Data Logger modal when it's empty
- Fixed #3343, Analysis results slow to load when connected to lots of properties
- Maintenance #3352, Bump version of lxml to 4.9.1
- Fixed #3357, Data Quality displays duplicate derived columns
- Maintenance #3362, Upgrade to Django 3.2.14
- Fixed #3366, Make beta properties list page the default (and move previous to Legacy)
- Fixed #3382, Replace Raven with Sentry-sdk
- Feature #3386, Add protocol to env var
Version 2.14.0
Date Range: 12/27/21 - 03/31/22
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 46):
- Fixed #2508, Inventory Detail View: Text bubbles stay on the screen even if you scroll down the page
- Fixed #2515, Progress bar sits on 33% for a very long time so that users think the program has crashed
- Feature #2624, Merge and Link Matches - Enable and Change Sorting
- Fixed #2683, Meter screen shows intervals for meters that are "unselected"
- Feature #2761, Derived Columns: Many small improvements
- Feature #2806, Summarize the count for each of the columns from the "Columns Setting" Tab in the Property Tab
- Improved #2813, Update Portfolio Manager Defaults column mapping profile
- Fixed #2831, Deleting Property Inventory doesn't delete the BETTER analyses
- Fixed #2843, BETTER - GHG emission reduction units
- Feature #2844, BETTER -- show a list of all buildings in Org/Analyses, not just grouped by Portfolio
- Fixed #2891, Fix deprecated urls
- Fixed #2892, Fix usage of deprecated method request.is_ajax()
- Fixed #2902, XMLSchema fails to fetch gbXML Schema
- Fixed #2947, BETTER: update endpoint for token validity check
- Fixed #2959, BuildingSync: add matching/linking for imported files
- Fixed #2962, BSyncr: Analysis results link back to properties doesn't work
- Fixed #2974, Derived Columns: add ability to specify decimal places for individual columns
- Feature #2976, Export Properties and Tax Lots Progress Bar
- Feature #2998, Geocoding -- allow user to specify field to appear in text associated with map pin
- Maintenance #3020, Backup prod postgres docker volume
- Fixed #3040, Refactor list API to make adding related data optional
- Feature #3041, Add server-side filtering for canonical columns
- Feature #3042, Add server-side filtering for extra data columns
- Feature #3044, Add server-side filtering by labels
- Feature #3045, Add server-side sorting for inventory list
- Feature #3046, Frontend: enable actions for current page and across entire result set (for inventory list BETA page)
- Feature #3047, Add frontend functionality for filtering on canonical columns
- Feature #3048, Add frontend filtering for extra data columns
- Feature #3049, Add frontend filtering of inventory by labels
- Improved #3052, Update functionality of top right nav shortcut
- Maintenance #3062, Remove warnings from tests
- Fixed #3071, bug: saved filter/sort results in multiple initial queries
- Fixed #3073, Refactor Beta-Inventory List Filters View
- Maintenance #3079, Run WAVA and address issues
- Fixed #3081, refactor: move filtering of querysets into generalized function
- Fixed #3093, refactor: enable inventory
endpoints to return only IDs - Fixed #3094, refactor(frontend): fetch all inventory IDs when an action is performed when user does a "select all"
- Fixed #3095, Fix the test using vcr
- Maintenance #3096, chore: update celery to 5.2.2
- Fixed #3108, refactor(buildingsync): use consistent scenario/measure/meter merge logic
- Feature #3126, Upload Portfolio Manager Meter Readings -- allow data shown on that screen to be exported
- Feature #3127, Portfolio Manager Meter Import Results -- add count of Properties + count of meters
- Feature #3128, Data Sets feedback on number of records for meters -- right now it says 0
- Fixed #3130, Org: Settings: Default Display Fields -- doesn't work for all fields
- Improved #3132, Update the Getting Started PDF for 2.13.0 release
- Fixed #3140, Redirect to home on 404s
- Fixed #3163, Recognize Empty not working as intended
Version 2.13.0
Date Range: 11/20/21 - 12/27/21
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 17):
- Fixed #2702, Add sample data record for BETTER
- Fixed #2813, Update Portfolio Manager Defaults column mapping profile
- Fixed #2890, Update deprecated JSONFields
- Fixed #2902, XMLSchema fails to fetch gbXML Schema
- Fixed #2930, BuildingSync: improve UI/UX for post-mapping messages
- Fixed #2958, Improve progress data text when validating BuildingSync files
- Fixed #2960, BuildingSync: allow users to export warnings/errors when importing data
- Fixed #2999, Bug: property details "notes" tab breaks links
- Fixed #3018, Delete column timeout
- Fixed #3027, Configure OEP k8s
- Fixed #3028, Fix: electricity meter import from ESPM custom report
- Fixed #3034, RFC: begin using python 3 type hints in codebase
- Fixed #3039, Create new inventory list
- Fixed #3040, Refactor list API to make adding related data
Version 2.13.0-prerelease1
Date Range: 11/20/21 - 12/27/21
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 17):
- Fixed #2702, Add sample data record for BETTER
- Fixed #2813, Update Portfolio Manager Defaults column mapping profile
- Fixed #2890, Update deprecated JSONFields
- Fixed #2902, XMLSchema fails to fetch gbXML Schema
- Fixed #2930, BuildingSync: improve UI/UX for post-mapping messages
- Fixed #2958, Improve progress data text when validating BuildingSync files
- Fixed #2960, BuildingSync: allow users to export warnings/errors when importing data
- Fixed #2999, Bug: property details "notes" tab breaks links
- Fixed #3018, Delete column timeout
- Fixed #3027, Configure OEP k8s
- Fixed #3028, Fix: electricity meter import from ESPM custom report
- Fixed #3034, RFC: begin using python 3 type hints in codebase
- Fixed #3039, Create new inventory list
- Fixed #3040, Refactor list API to make adding related data
Version 2.12.4
Version 2.12.3
Date Range: 11/05/21 - 11/10/21
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 7):
- Fixed #2702, Add sample data record for BETTER
- Fixed #2930, BuildingSync: improve UI/UX for post-mapping messages
- Fixed #2945, Deprecate PropertyState's analysis_state field
- Fixed #2958, Improve progress data text when validating BuildingSync files
- Fixed #2997, CO2 Analysis -- eGRID Subregion Code not picked up by program
- Fixed #2999, Bug: property details "notes" tab breaks links
- Fixed #3001, Tax Lot Inventory List View -- clicking on "i" to get to Detail view generates error
Version 2.12.2
Date Range: 09/28/21 - 11/04/21
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 36):
- Feature #2524, Export CSV -- Need a status bar or spinner or something to indicate that program is still working
- Feature #2557, Create Analyses Section
- Fixed #2587, Add admin tools
- Fixed #2651, Analysis and Merge/Link Matches on Property Detail view on production server (and shouldn't be)
- Fixed #2751, Update EKS Kubernetes version to 1.18
- Maintenance #2787, Move to BETTER Production API
- Fixed #2810, Bug: check meters tab on spreadsheet is broken
- Fixed #2830, Write tests for updated Audit Template import
- Feature #2840, BETTER - show which records had 0 savings in the Analyses view
- Fixed #2871, Analysis detail page trying to fetch bad pages
- Feature #2872, Create eGRID emissions analysis
- Fixed #2877, Tweak EUI Analysis
- Fixed #2884, Remove usage of address line 1 in BETTER analysis
- Fixed #2886, Update values parsed from BETTER analysis
- Fixed #2898, Update "contact us" mailto for the maintenance page
- Fixed #2899, v2.11 fails to load page after login
- Maintenance #2908, Bump BETTER BSync version to v2.3
- Fixed #2913, After importing Meter Data, program shows the previous Mapping screen
- Fixed #2917, BETTER: fails to create Buildings (too many meters?)
- Feature #2921, Analyses: Add a Creation Date to analyses
- Fixed #2924, [10-14-2021] Update staging:
- Fixed #2925, update priority spreadsheet
- Fixed #2926, move remaining BETTER tasks from spreadsheet into tickets
- Fixed #2928, BETTER: display building report above portfolio report
- Fixed #2929, BuildingSync: improve UI/UX for initial validation
- Fixed #2936, Remove old members from LBL AWS
- Fixed #2938, BuildingSync: add v2.4 to SEED
- Fixed #2944, release: v2.12.1 patch -- fix reset password url
- Fixed #2956, EKS RBAC Roles
- Fixed #2961, BuildingSync: ignore scenarios without meters or measures
- Fixed #2963, Columns: create eGRID Subregion Code column
- Fixed #2965, Add database/mediafiles backup to dev1
- Fixed #2969, Analysis: use organization's "Property Display Field" in analysis tables
- Fixed #2987, Analysis: indicate analysis functionality is BETA