Releases: SEED-platform/seed
Version 2.19.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Add Terms of Service by @kflemin in #4065
- Multiple cycle upload by @anchapin in #4073
- Add UBID relation to state by @perryr16 in #4074
- Store additional geocoding results by @nllong in #4020
Improvements 📈
- Move reports to insights page by @haneslinger in #4031
- Direct to property insight on click of program overview column by @haneslinger in #4011
- Add ranked sorting to insight property page by @haneslinger in #4030
- Include x and y in property insights tables by @haneslinger in #4075
- Add percentages to program overview by @haneslinger in #4077
- Add matching criteria to report export by @haneslinger in #4072
Maintenance 🧹
- Bump django from 3.2.18 to 3.2.19 in /requirements by @dependabot in #4034
- Improve inventory load times by @ebeers-png in #3990
- Updated installation steps by @anchapin in #3987
- Bump django-ses from 1.0.3 to 3.5.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #4055
- Bump requests from 2.28.0 to 2.31.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #4056
- Pin urllib3 by @axelstudios in #4059
- Remove OEP by @kflemin in #4109
- Bump django from 3.2.19 to 3.2.20 in /requirements by @dependabot in #4128
- Merge sphinx spelling list with VSCode's Code Spelling version by @nllong in #4149
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fix duplicate users per organization by @axelstudios in #4033
- Require org id from endpoints with has_perm_class by @haneslinger in #4027
- Remove sync salesforce button due to timeout by @kflemin in #4038
- Fix column list profile GET request syntax by @ebeers-png in #3988
- Prevent Automatically Serving Static
Files by @axelstudios in #4057 - Fix User Creation Bugs by @axelstudios in #4094
- Fix categorical data on reports scatter plot by @haneslinger in #4085
- Fix ESPM Source Types by @axelstudios in #4096
- Fix Download URLs by @axelstudios in #4066
- Use iterator() when rehashing to save memory by @nllong in #4139
- Constrain uniqueness of column name and move geocoding column creation by @nllong in #4151
Full Changelog: v2.18.1...v2.19.0
Version 2.18.1
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
Improvements 📈
- Add better error messaging that includes the property view ID by @kflemin in #3973
- Add Salesforce fields to store data admin contact by @kflemin in #3985
- Add salesforce mappings sort and more error checking and messaging by @kflemin in #3992
- Add zoom and panning to insights property page by @haneslinger in #3879
- Remove program overview tabular data by @haneslinger in #4007
- Save Insight property config locally by @haneslinger in #3994
- Add Salesforce delete_label_on_sync setting by @kflemin in #4022
- Replace seed getting started guide for v2.18 by @kflemin in #4026
- Add in the start and end cycle year to the title by @haneslinger in #4014
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Validate property state before creating BuildingSync document by @perryr16 in #3953
- Fix Update-Salesforce requests by @axelstudios in #3978
- Enforce non-null
attached toTaxlotView
s by @axelstudios in #4006
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.18.0...v2.18.1
Version 2.18.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Implement Salesforce integration by @kflemin in #3840
- Add option to export meter data in GeoJSON by @nllong in #3900
- Create property timeline view by @perryr16 in #3899
Improvements 📈
- Update Evaluate Permissions by @haneslinger in #3864
- select cycles instead of start/end dates by @kflemin in #3895
- Specify cycle in eui analysis by @haneslinger in #3820
- Add labels button on property insights page by @haneslinger in #3860
- Bump yargs-parser and protractor by @dependabot in #3939
- Modularized nginx, added gzip, added cache expiration by @axelstudios in #3940
Maintenance 🧹
- Bump django from 3.2.17 to 3.2.18 in /requirements by @dependabot in #3863
- Bump sentry-sdk from 1.7.2 to 1.14.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #3907
- Migrate BETTER API from V1 to V2 by @perryr16 in #3881
- Update copyright and copyright years by @nllong in #3903
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Filter cycle specific labels on inventory list by @perryr16 in #3858
- Fix casting of GHG metrics on Program Insight page by @haneslinger in #3880
- Fix deletion of new custom report by @haneslinger in #3924
- Fix saving BETTER/Salesforce data for non-active orgs by @axelstudios in #3925
- Fix GitHub Actions Masking by @axelstudios in #3930
- adding >= and <= to display by @kflemin in #3928
- Fix custom reports download button by @haneslinger in #3926
- Updated the meter import process to work with latest format from EnergyStar Portfolio Manager by @anchapin in #3927
- Fix active nav for deep URLs by @axelstudios in #3931
- Fixed saving Program Setup data for non-active orgs by @axelstudios in #3932
- Make test_compliance_metric_retrieve_endpoint deterministic by @haneslinger in #3934
- Fix custom report creation reload by @haneslinger in #3936
- Fixed issue with filtering Property columns from Tax Lot tab of Inventory by @anchapin in #3943
- Increase AnalysisMessage.user_message length by @perryr16 in #3935
- Fixes Timeline Bugs by @perryr16 in #3944
- Fix editing a derived column without changing the name by @axelstudios in #3949
- Fix Salesforce connection requests for non-superusers by @axelstudios in #3947
Other Changes
- None
Full Changelog: v2.17.4...v2.18.0
Version 2.17.4
What's Changed
Improvements 📈
- Open New Tab on Insight Property Click by @haneslinger in #3853
Maintenance 🧹
- Improve NGINX security by @nllong and @axelstudios in #3873
Full Changelog: v2.17.3...v2.17.4
Version 2.17.3
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Add CRUD to MeterReading by @nllong in #3757
- Add export to meters and meter readings by @nllong in #3868
Improvements 📈
- Change "Program Configuration" to "Program Setup" by @anchapin in #3832
- Get audit date and audit date type from BuildingSync files by @haneslinger in #3838
- Update GeoJSON export format with GeometryCollections and remove CRS by @nllong in #3851
Maintenance 🧹
- Bump django from 3.2.17 to 3.2.18 in /requirements by @dependabot in #3863
- Remove project and compliance models by @nllong in #3743
- Fix Nginx Security by @axelstudios in #3866
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fix ESPM xml report import by @nllong in #3856
- Fix importing of GeoJSON property footprints by @nllong in #3848
- Fix clickable header by @axelstudios in #3867
Full Changelog: v2.17.2...v2.17.3
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Allow switching cycles in inventory detail page by @haneslinger in #3783
Improvements 📈
- Remove add column in mapping page by @haneslinger in #3813
- Sort the dropdown of meter units by @nllong in #3822
Maintenance 🧹
- Update to Django 3.2.17 in #3824
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fix 500 on data view evaluate when extra data is not present by @haneslinger in #3803
- Catch create column error correctly by @haneslinger in #3791
- Show all navigation links in the organization view #3811
- Remove state population in create column by @haneslinger in #3806
Full Changelog: v2.17.1...v2.17.2
Version 2.17.1
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Allow users to create columns by @haneslinger in #3730
Improvements 📈
- Show portfolio manager errors by @haneslinger in #3735
- Allow users to hide property insight dataset by @haneslinger in #3726
Maintenance 🧹
- Bump future from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 in /requirements by @dependabot in #3792
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Fix stacked property points by @haneslinger in #3725
- Fix filter group with extra column work on revised programs by @haneslinger in #3727
- Fix filter on nulls and empty strings by @haneslinger in #3733
- Add the @has_perm_class permission to program metric api endpoints by @anchapin in #3729
- fix meter service route for units in organization settings by @kflemin in #3738
- Fix custom report legend sort for chrome by @haneslinger in #3740
- Sort column mappings in profile before export by @nllong in #3748
- Update derived column migration to prevent conflicting column names and prevent duplicate column names by @nllong in #3728
- Fixed issue with overlapping meter readings with new ESPM format by @anchapin in #3745
- Fix filtering on "" and !"" for all data types by @haneslinger in #3765
- Fix bug where compliance calculations were not being cast to the right data types by @nllong in #3789
Full Changelog: v2.17.0...v2.17.1
Version 2.17.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Switch to created filter group after creation by @haneslinger in #3569
- Use the same color for each axis per filter group by @haneslinger in #3587
- Add 'ghg' and 'ghg_intensity' to 'valid_column_data_types' for Custom Report by @anchapin in #3570
- Add export column mappings by @nllong in #3611
- Allow filtering on all columns including related taxlots/properties by @haneslinger in #3618
- Add the ability to create multiple compliance programs by @anchapin in #3623
- Add create, update, retrieve, and delete to Meter API by @nllong in #3639
- Nav property on click in property insight page by @haneslinger in #3679
Improvements 📈
- Refactor meter selection by @haneslinger in #3649
- Disable sorting by derived column by @haneslinger in #3669
- Sort legend on custom reports by @haneslinger in #3671
- Fix legend by @haneslinger in #3682
- Add spinner to model deletion by @haneslinger in #3713
- Make sure the left and right axis have the same range by @haneslinger in #3695
- Enter edit mode state on any change in custom report by @kflemin in #3710
- Reorder the metric type drop down text in Program Configuration by @anchapin in #3719
Maintenance 🧹
- Output proper error message by @haneslinger in #3592
- Final version of the BPS sample data files by @anchapin in #3584
- Remove nosetests and fix precommit by @nllong in #3619
- BPS Data Final Updates by @anchapin in #3646
- Update ci and publish to use latest versions by @nllong in #3656
- Update contribution information and enforce PR labels by @nllong in #3654
- Update links for support by @nllong in #3681
- Refactor properties_across_cycles_with_filters so it only makes one P… by @haneslinger in #3674
- ESPM formatting changes by @anchapin in #3716
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Add error check for blank Actual Column in Program Setup by @anchapin in #3572
- Use the same column for the names used in Property Insights by @anchapin in #3578
- On FilterGroup delete, filter groups don't filter≈y by @haneslinger in #3596
- Update inventory reporting charts by @nllong in #3604
- Fix update labels and label selected by @haneslinger in #3615
- Fix ESPM get template with no children by @haneslinger in #3632
- Fix note's API result to not include related model's view ID by @nllong in #3635
- Apply label to only selected by @haneslinger in #3637
- Update alt text, remove metric from program by @nllong in #3647
- Fix filtering on other inventory type by @haneslinger in #3658
- Fix swagger loading the Meter endpoints by @nllong in #3666
- Fix tooltip in insights legend by @haneslinger in #3678
- Support import of a csv file that has lots of spaces by @nllong in #3680
- Fix SEED to work with updated ESPM API, remove SEED ESPM API v2.1 by @nllong in #3709
- Fix evaluate request by @haneslinger in #3699
- Fix switching filter group by @haneslinger in #3702
- Delete Derived Columns Before Org by @axelstudios in #3700
- Fix #VALUE! errors when importing xlsx files by @nllong in #3685
- Update the BPS Sample Data AT Files by @anchapin in #3711
- Fix issue with evaluating compliance metric by @anchapin in #3715
Other Changes
- Bump django from 3.2.15 to 3.2.16 in /requirements by @dependabot in #3622
- Remove use of campus on the property model by @nllong in #3614
- Fix permissions for viewers to see program overview by @haneslinger in #3620
- Return only need columns in compliance evaluate by @haneslinger in #3664
Full Changelog: v2.16.0...v2.17.0
Version 2.16.0
This release contains new functionality to help track building-portfolio programs such as Benchmarking and basic-Building Performance Standards. In order to track programs, SEED was updated with a program configuration page with the selection of two metrics to track (an energy and emissions metric). The tracking requires an actual and a goal column to be defined allowing the program to determine if a property is in compliance.
A new program insight page was created to allow easy visualization over the compliance periods. In addition, new backend functionality was created for "filter groups" allowing for a user to save a set of labels and filters into a recallable filter group. The filter groups can be then aggregated with sums, averages, etc., and plotted on a custom report page.
Lastly, the new changelog format comes directly from GitHub now, removing the need to run the custom GitHub script.
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Add filter groups to insight page by @haneslinger in #3505
- Add GHG and GHG Intensity units by @Ryoken in #3518
- Data insight view format and usability improvements by @aviveiros11 in #3519
- Enable ability to not map a column in SEED by @haneslinger in #3523
- Program metric and insights pages by @kflemin in #3521
- BPS insights development by @haneslinger in #3546
- Program metric UI improvements by @aviveiros11 in #3542
- Implement Program Setup Page by @anchapin in #3541
- Add simple export buttons to charts by @haneslinger in #3561
- Switch to created filter group after creation by @haneslinger in #3569
- Use the same color for each axis per filter group by @haneslinger in #3587
- Add 'ghg' and 'ghg_intensity' to 'valid_column_data_types' for Custom Report by @anchapin in #3570
- Add export column mappings by @nllong in #3611
- Allow filtering on all columns including related taxlots/properties by @haneslinger in #3618
- Add the ability to create multiple compliance programs by @anchapin in #3623
- Add create, update, retrieve, and delete to Meter API by @nllong in #3639
- Update report charts to use Charts.js by @kflemin in #3368
- Add translations to BETTER Analysis helper text by @anchapin in #3562
- Add missing Lokalize tags by @aviveiros11 in #3563
- Fix Typos by @axelstudios in #3564
- Output proper error message by @haneslinger in #3592
- Final version of the BPS sample data files by @anchapin in #3584
- Remove nosetests and fix precommit by @nllong in #3619
- BPS Data Final Updates by @anchapin in #3646
Bug Fixes
- Fix only collect columns that aren't related by @Ryoken in #3515
- Revised the Custom Reports page to remove custom report from list after deletion by @anchapin in #3522
- Fix null x axis by @kflemin in #3543
- Fix SEED logo focus by @axelstudios in #3547
- Fix auto-populate scrollbars by @axelstudios in #3549
- Fix navigation gaps by @axelstudios in #3550
- Add tzdata dependency to docker images by @axelstudios in #3548
- Add 'string' data type to valid column data types in Program Setup by @anchapin in #3560
- Force utility spinner and refresh to update chart by @aviveiros11 in #3540
- Add error check for blank Actual Column in Program Setup by @anchapin in #3572
- Use the same column for the names used in Property Insights by @anchapin in #3578
- On FilterGroup delete, filter groups don't filter≈y by @haneslinger in #3596
- Update inventory reporting charts by @nllong in #3604
- Fix update labels and label selected by @haneslinger in #3615
- Fix ESPM get template with no children by @haneslinger in #3632
- Fix note's API result to not include related model's view ID by @nllong in #3635
- Apply label to only selected by @haneslinger in #3637
- Update alt text, remove metric from program by @nllong in #3647
Other Changes
- Remove use of campus on the property model by @nllong in #3614
- Fix permissions for viewers to see program overview by @haneslinger in #3620
Full Changelog: v2.15.2...v2.16.0
Version 2.16.0-Beta
This Beta release contains new functionality to help track building-portfolio programs such as Benchmarking and basic-Building Performance Standards. In order to track programs, SEED was updated with a program configuration page with the selection of two metrics to track (typically an energy and emissions metric). The tracking requires an actual and a goal column to be defined allowing the program to determine if a property is in compliance.
A new program insight page was created allowing easy visualization over the compliance periods. In addition, new backend functionality was created for "filter groups" allowing for a user to save a set of labels and filters into a recallable filter group. The filter groups can be then aggregated with sums, averages, etc., and plotted on a custom report page.
Date Range: 09/08/22 - 09/29/22
Closed Issues and Features (Total: 28):
- Fixed #3148, Beta Property List view: Tax lot data is not being displayed under Properties, and Properties are not being displayed under Tax Lots
- Fixed #3341, Replace charting library on reports page
- Feature #3346, Filter Group - Back End
- Feature #3349, Filter Group - Front End (Inventory List)
- Feature #3354, Enable the ability to not map a column in SEED
- Fixed #3433, Add translations to BETTER Analysis helper text
- Feature #3459, Create Compliance Metric Setup Page
- Feature #3460, Create Program Overview Page
- Feature #3467, integrate filter_groups into data_view
- Feature #3487, Create Property Insights Page
- Fixed #3489, Phrase 'Data View' to 'Custom Reports'
- Fixed #3491, Confirm edit and save updates to the graph
- Fixed #3493, Improve DataView Plot legend and format table
- Fixed #3494, Refresh list of dataviews when on metrics overview page
- Fixed #3524, Create function for selecting 'No Filter Group'
- Fixed #3525, Update the link for Program Overview on Program Setup Page
- Fixed #3527, Lokalize check all strings
- Fixed #3528, Create UI indicator when saving changes on Program Metric Configuration Page
- Fixed #3529, Modify "Save Changes" button on Program Setup Page
- Fixed #3531, Amend "Year Built" axis on Property Insights Page
- Fixed #3532, Remove gaps between nav links
- Fixed #3533, Update Program Setup page for an additional metric type check
- Fixed #3534, Integrate auto-refresh to the Custom Reports Page
- Fixed #3535, Update Program Setup page for a check on actual column
- Fixed #3536, Fix the auto-populate modal which shows empty scrollbars by default
- Fixed #3537, Fix the docker images that don't support the TZ environment variable without adding tzdata via apk
- Fixed #3538, Fix the temporary underline that results from :focus not being handled
- Fixed #3558, Program Setup: Add 'string' data type to valid column data types