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@github-actions github-actions released this 27 Jun 19:50

Change log


  • added ExpandingDeleteElementOperation which does the same as the
    builtin DeleteElementOperation but expands editor variables in the
  • fixed the logger for InsertAnchorOperation


  • user action for generating IDs on a configurable portion of the
    document using the TEI P5 framework's "Generate IDs" action.
    • portion defaults /*, i.e. the whole document
  • new plugin that provides labelled entries directly from the config
    file, where they are defined in a CSV-like manner
  • transformation scenario that identifies broken XIncludes and adds a
    fallback if not present


  • fixed issue #5: removed single quotes in selection texts which
    interfere with the string generated for the ask editor variable


  • add user action for inserting XInclude
  • enable selection of bibliographic reference in other contexts


  • make the actions for inserting an apparatus entry simpler by
    splitting them up
  • make the actions for making annotations simpler and more
    configurable by splitting them up


  • fix issue #4: Text from enclosed elements was duplicated for
    e.g. the lemma of an apparatus entry. This was fixed.
  • make annotate action more generic by removing the part for selecting
    an analytic category
    • chosing an analytic category and putting it to a target (text node
      or an attribute) should be an other action and it is simple to
      configure this in the plugin system
  • improve reproduction of referenced text
    • do not reproduce variant readings
    • to not reproduce processing instructions
    • use this in analytic mode for persons, places etc., too


  • Bug fix: An apostrophe (ASCII 0x27) in the labels or values
    generated by the plugin system was breaking the selection
    dialogue. (issue #3) This was fixed.


  • try to fix lookup of the config file on windows, issue #1

PS. This actually fixed #1


  • New actions for managing anchor based markup:
    • I) find annotations e.g. an external <app> or a <span> that
      reference the text at the caret, and let the user choose which one
      she wants to move to
    • II) highlight (select) the span of text referenced by an
      annotation, e.g. an external <app> or <span>
  • These actions greatly simplify the navigation and orientation in
    anchor based markup.
  • Both actions are configurable.
  • push referenced text through XSLT when making an <app> or an <span>
    • the template can easily be replaced by user through an XML catalog
    • current features: remove notes, replace caesura and verse break
      with common signs
  • annotate action is more configurable now:
    • configure which attribute to write to, default is @ana
    • configure whether or not to reproduce referenced text
    • configure an element to keep the reproduced text in
  • added a simple rollback mechanism for the cancel event in user
    • this results in a rollback to the previous editor state, no
      changes by half-done action chains


  • fixed a bug in the calculation of the XPath of the current element or
    the anchors' container


  • introduced SelectReferencedOperation for selecting a portion of
    the currently edited document that is references by a markup
    element, e.g. an external apparatus entry
    • an example use case is in oXbytao

PS: this action has been moved to oXbytei in 0.9.0


  • introduced InsertAnchorOperation for inserting single anchors
  • introduced ${anchorId} editor variable to get the xml ID of the
    last anchor generated with InsertAnchorOperation


  • enabled framework inheritance
    • Please, have a look at oXbytao
      for an example!
  • re-arranged menus and toolsbars


  • fixed a bug in analytic markup style
  • make generated IDs customizable through redirection to an xsl
    library by an XML catalog:
    • redirect oxbytei/xsl/generate-id.xsl to your own implementation
  • added regression tests based on XSpec for all markup styles added in
  • use XSpec 1.6 and Saxon 10.2 for testing XSLT 3.0


  • flexible markup for persons, places and bibliographic references:
  • markup styles available:
    • aggregative: Wrap user selection into an element, if the start
      and end point are on the same parent node. Otherwise wrap each
      text nodes in the selection into its own element and link them
      with @next and @prev.
    • analytic: Insert empty anchors with IDs at the start and end
      point of the user selection and add a <span from="#startId" to="#endId"> into the next following <spanGrp>. The element tag
      is put into the <span>. The selected text is repeated in it.
    • spanTo: Insert an empty anchor at the end of the user
      selection and a tag to the start point, that has
    • restricted-aggregative: Wrap text nodes in the user selection
      into <seg> elements, put IDs on them and add an empty
      aggragative tag at the selection's end point with @select="#id1 id2 ... idN".
  • Whitespace-only text nodes are not wrapped in aggregative and
    restricted-aggregative style in order to avoid invalid markup when
    annotating over paragraph or verse boundaries. This can be turned
  • configurable through the configuration file


  • expand editor variables in the config file
    • this only works in author mode
    • thus, no editor variables are used in the default config file


  • introduced ${teilspProp(} editor variable, which is
    expanded to the property named in the config file
  • load an extension state listener and register the new oXbytei editor
    variable resolver


  • default configuration:
    • put apparatus entry in external double end-point attached variant
      encodings into the next following <listApp>
  • added de.wwu.scdh.oxbytei.NoOperation author mode operation that
    does nothing at all.
  • unified the editing steps for adding a new apparatus entry by using
  • do not use a recursive action for the appratus any more
  • include the framework for editing the configuration file into the
    package and ship it with oXbytei


  • author mode action for adding an apparatus entry
    • user selection goes to the lemma
    • caret is placed into the reading
    • ask for witness of reading
    • all variant encodings, but external location-referenced
    • select witness based on sourceDesc/listWit//witness


  • new author mode operation for surrounding the user selection with
    empty anchor elements with IDs
    • per default it uses oXygen's ${id} editor variable, to produce
    • But the ID can be calculated by an XPath expression from the
      document, too.
  • new author mode operation for a) surrounding the user selection with
    empty anchor elements with IDs and b) then performing an XSLT
    • This is very cool because it let's us produce complicated
      interlinked markup with just one click.
    • It will be the heart of annotation, double-end attached apparatus
  • added new author mode action for annotations of overlapping structures
    • inserts anchors with start_id and end_id
    • inserts an <span from="#start_id" to="#end_id"> to a <spanGrp>
      in the backmatter per default config
    • adds @ana with a value select from provider suggestions to the


  • changed inheritance hierarchy for author mode operations:
    • SelectAttributeValueOperation does not extend
      AbstractOperation any more, but the ChangeAttributeOperation
      from oXygen. So we needn't implement the real operation on the
      document any more.
    • The code of the old AbstractOperation has been moved to a class
      that can be used for composition: SelectLabelledEntryInteraction
      now calls the plugin loader and does the user interaction. The
      code is much better encapsulated this way.
  • new author mode operation for annotating bibliographic references
    and linking them to a bibliography
  • removed the <prefixDef> condition from author mode actionsq


  • Changes to the API:
    • The signature of the init method of ILabelledEntriesProvider has
    • It takes the document's DOM node now.
  • The logic of the plugin loader for loading plugins for the current
    editing context has been moved from oxbytei to teilsp
  • Document DOM nodes of the currently edited document are now passed
    through from oXygen to the plugins. This speeds things up and
    reflects changes in them that have not been saved to disk yet.
  • The redundant class ...commons.Resolver has been removed.
  • The name of the one and only author mode operation has changed to
    SelectAttributeValueOperation, because there is nothing specific for
    <prefixDef> in there any more.
  • A utility class for making an XPath object has been added as a
    convenience tool regarding different implementations of the document
    DOM node, that is passed around: XPathUtil.


  • deploy descriptor file on pages in separate action


  • fixed link to package in the package descriptor file
  • added index.html for github pages


  • fixed github workflow for making releases


  • added logging through slf4j


  • added a schema manager filter that suggests attribute values
    according to labelled entries from plugins in text mode
  • added an attribute condition in the config file


  • send debugging message to stderr and to an exception window when no
    labelled items are found for the action. It prints the used
    providers and the arguments, they are configured with
  • plugin config
    • moved default config file from samples to config folder
    • moved XPath for getting <prefixDef> from arguments section to
      conditions section, because it's not an argument of the plugin,
      but evaluated by the editor
  • removed the matching of @Ident of <prefixDef> from the activation
    XPath in the author mode action, because these made to much


  • made selection dialogue configurable through author mode action xml
  • changed API for selection dialogs to handle multiple selection
  • reflected these changes in the wrappers around the oxygen dialog and
    the ediarum dialog
  • discovered bugs in these dialogs and documented them in the wrappers
  • moved reusable code to abstract base class AbstractOperation
    • saw some problems with protected fields of this base class
    • Should abstract base classed be used to share state?


  • generate selections from <prefixDef> through configurable Java
  • we can now put everything but the activation context into a
    configuration file. So we do not need no hardcoding of assumptions
    into frameworks any more.
  • use oXygen's ${ask(...)} user dialog from within Java
  • Actions based on new Java actions:
    • link.person


  • added transformation scenario for updating the header by merging in
    information from a central header file


  • Changed the license to GPL v3
    • Because it is more satisfing to write free software than writing
      only os software. And it's better for the community to have
      free software.
    • Because GPLed ediarum.jar is bundled within the framework.
  • A java implementation of an author mode action component for
    selecting an item from a referatory (personography, bibliography,
    geography, etc.) defined in prefixDef was added. It provides a
    mechanism for adding plugins for reference providers, like local
    norm data or global norm data.
  • an implementation of such a plugin which provides selection items
    generated from an XML file. It is configured with XPaths, to access
    the items, their keys (IDs) and make a label displayed in selection
  • general classes have been sourced to the java namespace
    de.wwu.scdh.teilsp which serves as a germ for a TEI LSP server.
  • added an author mode action for selecting a place from a geographic
    • it makes is a recursively defined action
      • stop at adding @ref attribute in context of placeName
      • start with surrounding a selection


  • fixed the assembled package: The root directory does not contain the
    Version number any more, now.
    • This makes rewriting file lookup by xml catalogues much more
    • This allows us to rename the samples directory.


  • fixed descriptor file


  • renamed framework to oXbytei


  • added regression testing to sel.language author mode action


  • added regression testing for complicated XPath expressions contained
    in author mode actions


  • New author mode action for setting @xml:lang from the set of
    languages registered in the header