Currently, I am an independent AI/ML/NLP Researcher.
As an NLP Enthusiast, I am gaining experience on core LLM structures, transformers, MLOps etc.
I feel passionate with having independent research on Natural Language Processing & Large Language Models as I have pursued my University thesis on this field. I like to keep track of various types of Language models. Additionally, I am exploring the effectiveness of GPT with federated learning.
I also worked with image data and continued as a Machine vision engineer at BRACU Mars Rover Team, Mongoltori. Here, I labeled data and trained model using YoloV5 which is my turning point of learning AI and Machine Vision.
Furthermore, I am exploring Yolo, VGG19, SSDmobilenet for building skills on Machine Vision.
- 💬 Ask me about ML, DL, NLP
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- My Portfolio website