Movie search engine made as a recruitment task
Follow these simple steps
git clone [email protected]:RyuuKodex/movie-search-engine.git
- Copy the development environment template: ln -s ./etc/envs/ . mv compose.override.yaml
- Run
docker compose build --pull --no-cache
to build fresh images - Run
docker compose up
(the logs will be displayed in the current shell) - Run docker compose exec app bash -ce "
composer install
chown -R
$(id -u):$ (id -g) . " - Now you're all set, you can visit the localhost with port 80, you should see the Symfony default application web page.
GET /api/movies/search?algorithm=<algorithm>
List of algorithms:
- random
- startsWithW
- moreThanOneWord
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec app bash
docker compose down --remove-orphans
php bin/phpunit --do-not-cache-result --testsuite unit
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --allow-risky=yes