Done as a part of AML 1204: Python Programming In Canada @ Lambton College - Group project
This is the repository which holds the code for the DigitalBookHub, a CRUD application for a public digital e-library system.
- Users can search, view and download books.
- Registered users can upload books.
- C0904675 - Yolimar Rios
- C0908671 - Chris Mary Bulatao
- C0903980 - Vihangi Kolamunna
- C0906287 - William Binitie
- C0918066 - Galgamuge Emmanuel Fernando
- Node JS stable version.
- python 3.x and configure path.
- virtualenv python library
- PostgresSQL v11.x.
- PostGis extension.
- Docker Desktop (Optional - only if running via docker).
- Access the web application:
- Access the admin dashboard:
- Postman collection: Collection
Navigate to
:D:\DigitalBookHub> cd webapp D:\DigitalBookHub\webapp>
Run the below command to install the required node modules for the web application:
D:\DigitalBookHub\webapp> npm install
Build the project:
D:\DigitalBookHub\webapp> npm run build
Once the node modules are installed, run the below command to start the web application:
D:\DigitalBookHub\webapp> npm start
The web application will be servered via
Create the database and user.
Open Windows Command Prompt (CMD) and enter the below commands (outputs are also shown).
Log into postgreSQL as default user postgres and enter password setup during installation:
C:\Windows\System32> psql -U postgres Password for user postgres: psql (11.21) WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252) 8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference page "Notes for Windows users" for details. Type "help" for help. postgres=#
Create database "digitalbookhub":
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE digitalbookhub; CREATE DATABASE
Create user "dhb":
Set user with encrypted password "dbh" (in our case, password is same as username):
Configure user and database.
Connect to the database:
postgres=# \c digitalbookhub You are now connected to database "digitalbookhub" as user "postgres". digitalbookhub=#
Create schema "digitalbookhub"
digitalbookhub=# CREATE SCHEMA digitalbookhub; CREATE SCHEMA
Grant all the privileges of the database to the user:
digitalbookhub=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE digitalbookhub TO dbh; GRANT
Grant all privieges of the schema tables to the user:
digitalbookhub=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA digitalbookhub TO dbh; GRANT
Grant all settings of schema to the user:
digitalbookhub=# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA digitalbookhub TO dbh; GRANT
Grant all usages of schema to the user:
digitalbookhub=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA digitalbookhub TO dbh; GRANT
Create and enable postgis extension on the database:
Close the command prompt window.
Connect to the database.
The below are the database properties. You can connect to the database via the CMD or any database IDEs.
host: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/digitalbookhub
username: dbh
password: dbh
Navigate to
:D:\DigitalBookHub> cd backend D:\DigitalBookHub\backend>
Create new virtual environment called
:D:\DigitalBookHub\backend> virtualenv venv
Log in to the virtual environment:
D:\DigitalBookHub\backend> .\venv\Scripts\activate (venv) D:\DigitalBookHub\backend>
Install all the requirements required to run the backend:
(venv) D:\DigitalBookHub\backend> pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the backend:
(venv) D:\DigitalBookHub\backend> python runserver Watching for file changes with StatReloader Performing system checks... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). You have 18 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions. Run 'python migrate' to apply them. December 10, 2023 - 02:00:33 Django version 5.0, using settings 'backend.settings' Starting development server at Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
Build the Docker image:
D:\DigitalBookHub> docker build -t digitalbookhub-image .
View the built docker image:
D:\DigitalBookHub> docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE digitalbookhub-image latest f9ef80828781 2 minutes ago 122MB D:\DigitalBookHub>
Run the docker image in detached mode:
D:\DigitalBookHub> docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name digitalbookhub digitalbookhub-image 97383644a834c7121ef9a827a345bb5ebafd6f6adb4e71232d13b45fd0456a66 D:\DigitalBookHub>
Confirm the container is running:
D:\DigitalBookHub> docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 97383644a834 digitalbookhub-image "uvicorn main:app --β¦" 55 seconds ago Up 54 seconds>8000/tcp digitalbookhub D:\DigitalBookHub>
The container status should be
. -
Access via the browser: