What's Changed
- Fix deletions by @psav in #684
- Sidecar/Cronjob Deployment Update fix by @maknop in #685
- Unique group.id for connect cluster when managed-ephem by @fijshion in #689
- Added check for CJI name length. by @maknop in #688
- Add support for parsing 'cacert' out of managed kafka secret by @bsquizz in #692
- Fixed managed kafka ephem cacert by @psav in #694
- Lowered partition ceiling by @psav in #697
- Fixed ceiling logic by @psav in #699
- Add option to disable random route prefixes by @psav in #698
Full Changelog: v0.45.0...v0.46.0
To install Clowder in your local environment, first, make sure you've installed Minikube and have it running. Then download the attached manifest YAML and run:
minikube kubectl -- apply -f clowder-manifest-v0.45.0.yaml --validate=false