in("<prompt>") Take string input
nin("<prompt>") Take numeric input
exhaust <value> { <CODE> } Loop <CODE>, deplete <value>
out(<value>) stdout
chars("<characters>") creates ascii list
head(<list>) Get head of list
tail(<list>) Get tail of list
Multiply x and y:
//Take numeric input
x = nin()
y = nin()
z = 0
exhaust x
z = z + y
} //deplete: x = x - 1
Exhausting static value:
c = 1
//Compiler needs to create variable when value is static
exhaust 10
c = c + 1
99 Bottles:
bottles = 99
exhaust bottles
//There is no string data type. This is syntax sugar.
out(chars(" bottles of beer on the wall. Take 1 down pass it around\n"))
List Stack?
s = <>
exhaust 10
s = 3::s
//output: <3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3>
Exhausting lists:
//Build S with construction operator
s = 1::2::3::4::5::<>
exhaust s
out(chars(" "));
//output:1 2 3 4 5
} //deplete: s = tail(s)
Reversing a list:
s = 1::2::3::4::5::<>
r = <>
exhaust s
j = <>
//Get last elem of s
b = -1
z = s //deep copy
exhaust b
if (tail(z) == <>)
b = 0
j = head(s)::j
z = tail(z)
//put last elem of s at beginning of r
r = head(z)::r
//remove last elm from s
s = j
//stop depletion step
s = 0::s
DrowsySaturn |
SamyBencherif |