使用ReactNative仿造的Git@OSC! (感谢 xiekw2010)
Requirements 详细环境搭建请参考
- 推荐/热门/最近更新 项目浏览
- 发现 项目浏览.
- 用户页面(动态/项目/Star/Watch).
- 我的资料/设置/摇一摇/留言/分享.
- 项目的详情/Star/Watch/ 代码/README/issues及提交issue
###Install JS env
npm install
if error about 'EACCS' try
sudo chown -R $(whoami) "$HOME/.npm"
open the project in ios dir cd ios
pod install
edit xcode project
's scheme torelease
mode -
bundle the JS resources, in project root dir (如果第一次运行没生存index.ios.jsbundle,再运行一次)
react-native bundle --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./ios/bundle/index.ios.jsbundle --platform ios --assets-dest ./ios/bundle --dev false --sourcemap-output ./ios/bundle/source.map --verbose
- xcode run!
Edit xcode project OSCGit
edit scheme to debug
Xcode run!
- 还未测试.(下一步准备让android也运行起来,然后再总结.)
cnpm install -g code-push-cli --verbose
code-push register (会弹出网页,按照步骤安装)
ode-push access-key ls
code-push app add RN_OSCGit
code-push deployment ls RN_OSCGit
code-push release-react RN_OSCGit ios --entryFile ./ios/bundle/index.ios.jsbundle
#release RN_OSCGit ./ios/bundle 1.0.7 -d Production
code-push deployment ls RN_OSCGit
#release RN_OSCGit ./ios/bundle 1.0.7 -d Production
code-push release-react RN_OSCGit ios --entryFile ./ios/bundle/index.ios.jsbundle