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#! v1.9.0

#! v1.9.0 #142

Workflow file for this run

name: Windows Build
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: windows-2019
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
- run: cmake --version
- run: nuget ?
# cache
- name: Cache CMakeCache.txt and Nuget packages
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-cache
# install
- run: mkdir -Force libs
- name: Install dependencies and prepare directory structure for cmake
working-directory: libs
run: |
nuget install boost -ExcludeVersion -Version 1.74.0
mv -Force ./boost/lib/native/include/ ./boost/
nuget install boost_system-vc142 -ExcludeVersion -Version 1.74.0
mv -Force ./boost_system-vc142/lib/native/* ./boost/lib/
nuget install boost_program_options-vc142 -ExcludeVersion -Version 1.74.0
mv -Force ./boost_program_options-vc142/lib/native/* ./boost/lib/
nuget install rmt_zlib -ExcludeVersion -Version
nuget install rmt_libssh2 -ExcludeVersion -Version 1.8.0
nuget install rmt_curl -ExcludeVersion -Version 7.51.0
mkdir -Force curl
cd curl
mkdir -Force include/curl
mkdir -Force lib
cd ..
mv -Force ./rmt_curl/build/native/include/v140/x64/Release/dynamic/* ./curl/include/curl/
mv -Force ./rmt_curl/build/native/lib/v140/x64/Release/dynamic/* ./curl/lib/
nuget install libzmq_vc140 -ExcludeVersion -Version 4.3.2
mkdir -Force libzmq
cd libzmq
mkdir -Force lib
cd ..
mv -Force ./libzmq_vc140/build/native/include ./libzmq/
mv -Force ./libzmq_vc140/build/native/bin/libzmq-x64-v140-mt-4_3_2_0.imp.lib ./libzmq/lib/libzmq.lib
- working-directory: libs
run: Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile "curl-ca-bundle.crt"
# build
- run: cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" "-DBOOST_ROOT=$Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\libs\boost" "-DCURL_LIBRARY=$Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\libs\curl\lib\libcurl_imp.lib" "-DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=$Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\libs\curl\include" "-DZMQ_LIBRARY_DIR=$Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\libs\libzmq\lib" "-DZMQ_INCLUDE_DIR=$Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\libs\libzmq\include" .
- run: msbuild "ALL_BUILD.vcxproj" /p:Configuration=Release /m /verbosity:quiet
# before_test
- name: Move DLLs of libraries to test folder
working-directory: libs
run: |
mv -Force libzmq_vc140/build/native/bin/libzmq-x64-v140-mt-4_3_2_0.dll $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\tests\Release\libzmq.dll
mv -Force rmt_curl/build/native/bin/v140/x64/Release/dynamic/* $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\tests\Release\
mv -Force rmt_libssh2/build/native/bin/v140/x64/Release/dynamic/* $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\tests\Release\
mv -Force rmt_zlib/build/native/bin/v140/x64/Release/dynamic/* $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\tests\Release\
mv -Force curl-ca-bundle.crt $Env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE\tests\
# tests
- run: ctest -C Release -E tool_ --output-on-failure
working-directory: tests
- run: ctest -C Release -R tool_ --output-on-failure
continue-on-error: true
working-directory: tests