MJML support for the IntelliJ Platform.
You are missing something or something is broken? - Feel free to file a PR/issue or open a discussion on GitHub!
Fore more details please look up the plugin description in the marketplace or directly in the plugin.xml.
- Install it from the plugin repository
- You are done, enjoy the magic!
The generated HTML can be viewed by clicking on the "Show HTML" button in the toolbar of the tool window.
There is also the channel snapshot
(https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugins/snapshot/list) available, for more details
about set up please
see JetBrains Marketplace Docs
The versioning used there is not based on semantic versioning, but rather: YYYY.MM.DD-BUILDNUM
and is on
You want to add custom mjml tags or custom resolving to match your needs?
Simply use the extension point de.timo_reymann.intellij-mjml-support.tagInformationProvider
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="de.timo_reymann.intellij-mjml-support">
<tagInformationProvider implementation="my.company.OurCustomTaginformationProvider"/>
- Execution context: parent folder for file to render
- Input from stdin:
{ "directory": "absolute path to project root, this might be different from the current file location", "content": "file editor content to render", "options": { "mjmlConfigPath": "mjml config path or empty string" } }
- Output to stdout must be in json in this format for:
where errors can be empty, but can never be omitted!
{ "html": "string|null", "errors": [ { "line": "integr|null", "message": "string|null", "tagName": "string|null", "formattedMessage": "string|null" } ] }
- The preview editor support is adapted from the official markdown plugin
- Preview uses bundled node_modules for mjml rendering currently, support for custom rendering is currently in development
For architecture decision records please take a look at docs/adr, this will give you an idea why implementations are as they are.